Chapter 27

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Brad, it was him all along. He wrote those words on the gym wall that I was a life ruining bitch. He must have been the one who has been following me. He was friends with Asher and was apart of Neil's gang. Could Neil have put him up to this?

Brad released a menacing chuckle as he watched the horror dawn on my face.

"Where is my Mom?" I demanded, my breathing becoming laboured as I struggled to breathe from the panic. If she wasn't here then how did Brad get her to call me and ask me to come here?

"At work at the hospital." Brad smirked, folding his hands over his chest with a spark of enjoyment in his eyes.

"How did you get her to call me then?" I ran my hands through my hair, my eyes darting around the room looking for her. Did he hurt her to make her send that message? My throat clogged up.

"That wasn't your mother, that was Neil on her phone that I stole from her this morning using an AI device installed to mimic your mother's voice," Brad explained with relish, his wicked eyes enjoying watching my hysteria.

"What have you done?" I wheezed. Brad beamed back at me, the corners of his lips turning up at the sides so he looked like a sadistic monster playing with his pray. He took a step closer to me and I braced myself against the wall to stop my legs from giving out under me.

"Everything bad that has happened in your life really." His voice changed to a dark condescending tone and he spat at me like talking to me left a horrible taste on his tongue. I shrunk away from him, not recognising him from his usual kind and friendly demeanour. How was I so easily tricked? I thought he was so nice and Asher trusted him. Asher and I had been played this whole time.

"I told Neil Blaketon that you had started at Asher's school and reminded him that your father owed him money and you would have the means to get that money for him. I tampered with your car before you drove it to school, hoping you would crash but something even better happened. You ran into Neil's son's car and I knew I could use his hate for you to my advantage."

"I have enjoyed trying to ruin your life these last few months. I followed you and Asher on your little adventure to Keegan's casino and set off the alarm that you were in the vault. I told Neil that Asher had been helping you obtain the money from Keegan Lotes," he admitted sadistically, stalking around me. I watched him like a hawk, my eyes following his every move. The glee he was feeling was showing on his face as he told me all this.

My stomach dropped in horror from all these revelations, he had been ruining my life this entire time and I had no idea. I couldn't believe he was the one who set the alarm off when I was in the vault, I bet it was him who spoke my name in the alleyway when Asher and I were leaving the ice cream shop. 

He tried to make me crash my car, he really wanted me dead. But why though? I didn't understand why he would hate me so much when I had never met him before I moved schools. Why does he want me dead? Why did he kill Mrs Elliot, he has taken her life away from her. He was a stone cold killer.

"Why are you doing this? Why would you kill Mrs Elliot?" I fumed, my voice low and grating. His upper lip curled up as he pounced forwards at me and stuck his forearm onto my neck, pushing me back so my head hit the wall. The air propelled out of my lungs with a loud gasp. Brad lowered his vicious face that was set in an animalistic glare. I turned my head away from him as far as I could.

"The thing that makes me the most angry is that you don't even know. You don't even remember me," he spat out in fury and frustration. He looked like a mad man, the complete opposite to the sweet guy who looked after me at school. My mind went blank at his words.

"Remember you?" I sputtered. He almost growled as he glared down at me with violent black eyes. For a moment I thought I did recognise those tortured eyes.

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