Chapter 5

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My eyelids fluttered open to darkness. I blinked multiple times and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw a small dim light that was radiating a gloomy cloud of light in the corner of the room. My head swirled as I tried to recall where I was and after a terrifying moment I remembered being pulled into a car and gassed.

My eyes burst open as panic gripped my lungs and I yanked my hands up to find they were restrained by rope to the chair I was sitting in. I frantically search around the room as a panic attack started to turn my breathing into pants. I bash against the restraints I am pinned to viciously but my arms and legs were both tied down. I was trapped.

A loud bang slammed through the room and a scream left my lips in terror. Tears began rolling down my cheeks and I strained helplessly against the restraints. What the hell was happening?

The bang was followed by a creak as a door on the opposite side of the room begun to open. My hands squeezed the chair tightly between my fingers but that was the only movement I could make; I was paralysed in terror. A tall man with a black balaclava covering his entire face walked into the room.

"Are you Cordelia Holland? Harold Hollands daughter?" the man commanded in a deep authoritative tone. I shrunk back into the chair as he stepped closer towards me and his eyes became illuminated in the dim light. I would never forget those evil brown eyes as he watched me.

"Answer me," he bellowed in my face. My vocal cords had frozen shut but I managed a nod.

"Now I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer them truthfully or else I might need to use this," he threatened as he pulled a knife out of his pocket. I gasped as my breath hitched and stuttered.

"What did you father tell you about his plans?" he demanded forcefully. I flinched away from him and squeezed my eyes shut tightly, looking the opposite way. I heard him sigh and then I felt him grab my hand and yank my head back, placing the knife at my throat. A silent scream lodged itself in my throat and I violently shuddered away from him.

"I don't know anything, he didn't tell me anything," I admitted to him in blind panic as my eyes flew open.

"Did he tell you how he retrieved all that money?" he demanded, tilting the knife harder into my neck. Violent tremors wracked through my body as I craned my neck away from the knife.

"No! I didn't know anything about him stealing money until he was sent to prison," I cried helplessly. The man smiled wryly at me.

"You're lying," he accused and then took the knife away so he could swing his fist right into my cheek. My head whipped back as pain ricocheted through my jaw and I screamed out in agony. I could feel a trickle of blood drip down my nose and I could feel a bruise forming. When the pain subsided, I opened my eyes to find the man right in front of me. I screamed and tried to pull away but he just held the knife on my upper arm.

"I'm not lying." My tone was almost begging for him to believe me. He watched me for a few moments.

"What do you know about the transition?" he demanded as he applied pressure to my arm. I cried out in pain as the knife cut through my skin and tears began falling down my face.

"Nothing! I've never heard of it before" I shrieked. He put the knife to my upper arm and applied the smallest amount of pressure. It was enough to make me cry out in pain. Tears were now streaming down my face. I whimpered against his hold as he applied more pressure and the knife cut my skin. I cried out and tried to move out of his touch but he was holding me still. Blood started to trickle down my arm and my head lolled to the side.

"Tell me what you know about the transition!" he screamed in my face as the knife cut further into my skin. Blood started to trickle down my arm and my head lolled to the side away from him. I wracked my brain for the answer but I had never heard of it before. What the hell was the transition?

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