Chapter 21

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Asher didn't talk to me again for the rest of the week. But he wouldn't stop staring at me. I was glad he was leaving me alone, it gave me some time to think.

Kiara had hadn't said a word to me in English and PE but not my other classes and I figured out the reason why pretty quickly. Asher was in those classes. If I ever saw Kiara in the corridors or when Asher wasn't around, she snark a hurtful comment at me but it was only a sentence or two like she was scared if she made a scene someone would see it. 

It didn't take a genius to figure out that Asher threatened her in some way, or else there was no way she would leave me alone. Taunting me was her daily entertainment. I also noticed that other students were leaving me alone as well, with only the occasional nasty comment or push in the hallway, nothing like before.

I knew that this was because of Asher. After the other day the entire school knew about Asher defending me. I didn't think anyone wanted to be on the receiving side of Asher's fury. I still didn't understand his drastic change of mind. First he was acting like we were friends on the weekend at the casino, then he decided to bully me again at school and then run after me and apologise. Nothing this boy does makes any sense.

I hadn't heard a word from Neil Blaketon either. I hoped that he had received my voice mail because I really didn't want to call him back again. Anything to do with that man made me so anxious. I decided that if he hadn't notified me by the end of the week, I was going to call again. 

I was tapping my pen anxiously on the table on my English paperwork, not listening to a word Mrs Elliot was saying. It was Friday morning and I was jittery because every morning this week Asher had been in the corner of the room waiting for me to enter but this morning he wasn't there. We would lock eyes when I walked into the classroom, every time. 

I kept telling myself to stop looking back when I walk in but I couldn't help myself. But today he wasn't there and it made my stomach sink in foreboding, I just had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that this was bad. Since Asher wasn't here, Kiara felt it was the perfect time opportunity to start bullying me again. She started throwing those infernal paper balls at me again.

"Your little protector isn't here today, brat. How did you deceive him into helping you anyway?" I looked up to the ceiling, ignoring her.

"Knowing the slut that you are I bet you slept with him." Rage boiled up in my throat and I ground my teeth together, slamming my hands down on my desk. She just crossed a line. I was sick of being treated for things I hadn't even done and I couldn't hold it in anymore. I turned around to face her. 

"Stop it," I exploded at Kiara, glaring down at her shell-shocked expression. Her mouth gaped open and closed, she never expected me to snap back at her and the words just kept flowing. 

"I am so sick of you, Kiara. You don't know anything about me and you are treating me like someone you heard about on the news. Does it make you feel all tough throwing paper balls at me?" Her eyes and mouth were frozen open, she still doesn't say anything. The entire class had gone quiet. "Well, you are absolutely pathetic," I yelled at her and she just closed her mouth, pressing her lips together. She didn't have anything to say. 

"Cordelia, Kiara. Outside now," Mrs Elliot snapped, pointing to the door. I turned away from Kiara, grabbing all my things and stormed out of the classroom. But I didn't wait for the teacher, I didn't want to look at Kiara again. I stormed off down the hall and off the school premises. My hands were shaking in anger and I spent the rest of the hour walking it off. 

I returned for my next class and recieved a few stared from people who had been in my English class but luckily I didn't get into any kind of trouble with the school. But I had a feeling I was going to cop it the next time I had English with Mrs Elliot. It was so unlike me, getting in trouble in class and I hated it. I hated what they had turned me into. 

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