Chapter 14

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I slammed the heavy vault door shut behind me as I sprinted out through the corridor. I slowed down to inch the part of the wall that opened into the corridor back into place. As I turned back around to race out of the basement I froze in place, my heart jumping into my throat.

"Don't move," ordered a seething voice. Before me stood the man that was in front of the elevator in the casino with a teardrop tattoo and he was holding his gun right at me. I gulped down my terror as I stared down the barrel of the gun. Footsteps echoed in the basement and a moment later a few other men surrounded me, aiming their guns straight at my head.

I cursed. How did I manage to make everything go wrong that could possibly go wrong?

They started descending upon me, slowly walking towards me with three guns pointed right between my eyes. I was frozen to the spot, I had no escape options, they were either going to catch me or shoot me. If they caught me now, they would take the jewel right out of my hands and I would have no leverage to make them not kill me or they would kill me right on the stop.

A spark of adrenaline seared through my veins as I realised that I could be dead in a matter of seconds. There was no way I was going to be caught now, not when I was so close to finishing this.

I glanced over towards the shelves I was right next to and saw a small gap underneath, a gap small enough for me to fit but not these big men. I gave one look back at the men and then bolted. I leapt my body onto the floor as I rolled underneath the metal shelves. I cringed mid-flight when I heard multiple gun shots go off which followed me as I kept crawling underneath the next two set of shelves so there were three rows of shelves between me and them. Maybe, just maybe I now had a chance of reaching the elevator without being shot.

I emerged on the other side of the shelves and pushed myself up, leaping straight up into a run again. My muscles were propelling me forwards as I ran as fast as I have ever run before and I was so pumped with adrenaline that if a bullet hit me, I'm not sure I would even notice. I sprinted down the basement back towards the lift and as I was running, I couldn't stop think about exceptionally glad I was that I was a fast runner.

Out of nowhere a bullet hit the metal shelf beside me and I screamed, the fright making me lose my balance and I fell to the floor, did an army roll and leapt back up again and started running again. I didn't even know my body was capable of such athletic manoeuvres. When I was running again, I turned my head back to see the man with the tear drop tattoo running at me from the end of the aisle.

He shot his gun again just as I turned a corner down another aisle, but I was now running away from the lift and my escape. I kept running until I reached the end of the corridor and the side wall of the basement. I glanced to my right to see a few of the other men standing by the elevator and when they saw me they started running at me.

I swore. Loudly. They were boxing me in and my only other way to run was back towards the vault. Just when I thought all hope was lost, I looked up and saw a bright green light saying emergency exit. I nearly cried in happiness. I bolted a few steps to my left until I reached the door and luckily it swung open.

The men saw what I was doing and when they realised they weren't going to reach me in time they started shooting at me. I leapt behind the door but just as I dart behind it a shot hits me and sliced through the side of my stomach. I gasped out a cry of agony as pain radiated out from the side of my stomach. I grasped my hand onto the wound to find my hands covered in blood. Through the pain, I managed to slam the door shut behind me and lock the door.

A hard shove against the door followed by several bangs confirmed that I did indeed lock it. I leant back against the wall and breathed out deeply, that was close. My hand was still holding my wound and I pulled my shirt up to see that it only looked to be a superficial wound.

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