Chapter 44: Twitter and twitcam

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I untangle myself from my 'straddled position' around Louis' waist and stand up, a loud banging noise on the door startles us both.

"ARE YOU DONE YET???" Nialls voice echoes through, we laugh at his shout and Louis jumps up off the bed and is first to run to the door, swinging it open.

"Of course! Done with what anyway?" Louis winks and Niall and he pulls a face of disgust.

"I don't know.. whatever couples do when they have time alone.." He says, fake 'shivering' in the thought. I laugh at his childish behaviour towards the subject then watch as the two have a playfight on the floor. I shake my head.

"Well I'm going to leave you guys too it..." I giggle, trying to find the best stragedy to step around or over the two, taking up the most of the space in the door way, I choose to leap over the both of them, walking through the kitchen and straight through to our 'new' lounge, I scan the space, Zayn- was perched on the edge of the chair, his new phone luminating his face. I opt to go and sit next to him, and deliberate whether to ask him or not to help me work the Iphone Paul had provided me with.

"Zaaaaayyyyynnn?" I ask sweetly, sitting down on the sofa cross-legged and giving him my most innocent look.

"Oh jeez, what do you want?" Zayns eyes widen, then he grins and runs a free hand through his signature 'quiff'.

"Well.. you do seem like a computer whiz or whatever, and seen as I have no idea how or what an Iphone really is...." My sentence trails off, he probably got the jist of what I was asking.

"Ah, so basically you want me to give you the kind of guide on to use this beauty?" He raises an eyebrow and I nod.

"Please!" I laugh, leaning forward to take the boxed mobile of the table.

"So, how do you turn it on?" I ask first, once I have taken it out of the packaging. Zayn frowns, probably thinking I am joking and not actually that stupid.

"Oh wow.. you're serious aren't you? Okay, well, this is going to be a long day..." Zayn says, pointing to a button at the top of the phone and telling to me to press and hold it until an apple sign appears on the screen.


"LOUUIIS! Louis!" I shout, the time was 4:15pm, in the space of 4 hours, I had successfully turned on a phone, downloaded Zayn's music onto the phone (he has a pretty good taste in music, not too different from mine) added a few contacts, downloaded some apps, and logged into my facebook account which I hadn't used for over a year, and now I was signing up for a new twitter.

"Yes my love?" Louis skips in the room, in his hand was his macbook.

"Sorry guys, that's Cass, my beautiful amazing wonderful..wench!" Louis laughs, i scowl.

"I'm not your wench! Don't call me a wench!" I exclaim, slapping him on the leg.

"And who are you speaking to anyway?" I ask, he sat down next to me, a webcam of himself was on the screen.

"Are you talking to yourself? What?" I ask again, he brings his hands to his face and sighs, shaking his head.

"No babe, i'm on twitcam!" He grins, facing the camera towards me and leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

"You'll have to elaborate! I have no idea what that is!" I raise an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"You see that number there?" He points at a very large number, then viewers was written next to it.

"Wait... theres that many people, watching this video right now?!!! Like watching this webcam?" My eyes widen, and then I cover my face in the realization of how awful I was looking.

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