Chapter Twenty: Nearly falling asleep in a changing room...casual

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A/N woah it's so late, up all night writing this- almost- no one direction song pun intended there by the way;) so yeah here is next chapter voila!;) mm got the fray-never say never stuck in my head, amazing tune. Go and listen to it. Now!;) enjoy! Xxxx

'So?' I ask Louis as he puts the phone down. He sighs. 

'He's pretty angry..but he says stay where we are because he's coming to pick us up!' Louis pops the 'p' and grins widely. 

'Do you know how long he'll be?' I question, wondering what we could do to kill time while we wait. 

'Hmm I don't know, depends how slow he drives' Louis says, and laughs lightly. 

'Fair enough, what can we do?' I shrug, Lou smiles and a bites his cheek. 

'Shopping!' he exclaims grabbing my hand and leading me out of the phone box. 

'You sounded When you said that..' I giggle as he prods me in the shoulder and scowls. 

'I'm not camp!' He replies, loud enough for a few heads to turn around. I hold my laugh in as his face flushes crimson. I squeeze his hand and whisper to him. 

'I was just messing with you!' 

He lets go of my hand and crosses his arm and frowns like a child. 

'Now that's just immature' I sigh, rolling my eyes at him. He avoids eye contact and carries on to walk. 

'Hey!' I shout to him as he speeds up his pace, he ignores me and carries on to walk. I stop walking for a second and he turns around. 

'You're meant to run after me and say how much you couldn't live without me!' He shouts back. I laugh and carry on walking until I'm next to him. 

'For one, I'm not running, two, I repeat- you are so cliché! And three, I couldn't live without you, in fact, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you' I soften my tone and smile, then put my hands on Louis' waist, reaching up on my tip toes and kissing him on his forehead. He smiles one-sidedly and leans forward so our noses are touching. 

'Cause I'm superman and all, and good, because I don't think I could live without you too' He beams and we resume our walking. 

'How come you have your wallet but not your phone?' I ask randomly, frowning. 

'I have no clue, I don't even know where my phone is, I think I left it in the hospital' He replies, scratching his hairline in wonder. 

'Ah okay, so where are we going to go shopping, I only see Starbucks' I look around and Louis grins. 

'We ask people!' he says.  

'I thought you said stranger danger?' I raise my eyebrows at him. 

'Fair point, but these strangers look nicer than the ones you find in alleyways' he replies back , taking my hand an enclosing it in his.  

'I suppose, what about that couple there, with the baby, they look friendly' I say, looking over to a dark haired and shorter woman with a pram sitting next to a fair haired man they were giggling and laughing at the baby. For a second I wondered if that would be me in years to come.  

'Yeah, let's go ask them!' Louis interrupts my thoughts and we head over to the bench they were sat on.  

'Excuse me?' I ask politely to the woman, she smiles. 

'What's the matter sweetheart?' she replies.  

'Could you possibly tell us where the nearest town centre is?' I question. Her gaze is lost completely on Louis. I look over at him and realise he is crouched down next to the pram pulling funny faces at the child, a screechy giggle comes from inside the pram and the ladies eyes sparkle and she starts to laugh.  

How I met Louis Tomlinson (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now