Chapter Eight: Falling asleep in his arms

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'That's me' Louis says, grinning and hooking the keys out of Liam's pocket, unlocks the car and jumps in, I walk around the car carrying my bags and get in next to him. 

'NO I WANT TO SIT NEXT TO LOU' Harry protested , I laugh and Louis turns around to him, he's sulking in the back seat with Niall and Liam, Zayn is in the boot, I'd only just realized Liam was in the boot on the way. 

'Sorry bubs, don't worry, you can have me all to yourself when we get back to the apartment' Louis winks at Harry and I giggle , Niall laughs. 

'What about Zouis?!' Zayn exclaims, looking hurt.  

'You can have me instead' I say giggling , then its Louis' time to look hurt. Everyone laughs at Louis and Harry looks at Zayn. 

'I think Boobear wants Cass all to himself , so how about a bit of Zarry?' Harry winks at Zayn cheekily before Louis looks at me and grins.  

'COUIS!' Niall shouts as if he's just had an amazing idea. Harry and Zayn look at each other confused and Louis raises an eyebrow at me.  

'You and Lou's name put together!' Niall says chuckling to himself. Bless him he looks so cute.  

'Aww sounds so cute' Liam's voice appears from the back seat and Louis laughs. 

'Nearly forgot you were here LiLi!' Louis says creating a new nickname for Liam which obviously wound him up as Liam exclaimed. 

'Don't call me that!' Liam cries pretending to cry in the back. I giggle and reply on Lou's behalf. 

'Aw Liam ignore Lou he didn't mean to upset you' I say giving fake evils to Louis. Who starts to tickle me and I let out uncontrollable laughter. He laughs and I let out a sigh of relief when he stops.  

'I only stopped because I don't want you wetting yourself like Niall did' he says smiling.  

'Niall?' I frown turning to look at Niall who's face was now the colour of my red jeans.  

'Hey it's not my fault I don't have the bladder of a blooming camel!' Niall says his face starting to return to its normal colour although he changes the subject quickly and tells Louis to drive back to the apartment.

When we get back Lou doesn't hesitate to open my door for me again before I have the chance to undo my seatbelt.  

'Thankyou!' I grin and he grins back. 

'My pleasure' he replies. 

Niall's first to the fridge when we get inside they're apartment , he sighs loudly whilst looking at the pretty empty fridge.  

'Pizza?' Niall questions,all the other boys nod but Liam shakes his head. 

'we've had pizza almost 6 times this month guys! Isn't there any food?' he questions , Niall's expression is blank and he starts to open cupboards to reveal nothing but a half empty bag of pasta,peppers,tomatoes,frozen chips and some tinned soups. 

'You guys really need to get some food in!' I say frowning at the food that was on the counter , not even enough to make a pasta dish with tomato sauce.  

'Hmm looks like its going to have to be pizza' Louis says , jumping onto the sofa in the lounge. Niall ,Harry and Zayn join him while Liam studies the food with me. 

'Any ideas?' I ask , chewing the inside of my cheek,I did that quite often when I was thinking.  

'My only idea was pasta with tomato sauce but there's not enough to even make that and Zayn doesn't like tomato that much so he'd want something else on his,and I'm not sure peppers would be enough' Liam huffs and put's his elbows on the counter. I'd suggest shopping to Liam but by the looks of the boys faces they want food as soon as possible and by the time me and Liam would've finished stocking up on some food,come back and rustle something up it would be getting on for 9pm I check my watch its 7:30 now.  

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