Chapter Sixteen: Shot by my ex

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(Cassie’s POV)

The voice of Dan startles me as I sit upright in my bed, Mum and Taylor’s eyes both widen and they turn around.

‘See what I mean? He’s crazy, and he nearly killed my bestfriend, my girlfriend, maybe even wife soon, and now she’s cooped up in there scared of this man who she doesn’t even know!’

I hear the plead in Louis voice as he objects.

‘You’re friend? Barely friend, you stalk her, she rang me the other night crying about all the death threats you were sending her’ Dan’s voice interrupts him.

‘What the hell is he playing at?’ I tug at my hair and try to get up, Mum pulls me back down and I sigh.

‘Let me go out there! There going to take him, Louis hasn’t even done anything!’ I cry. Mum hushes me and whispers in my ear.

‘When I say go, kick him’ She says, I frown.

‘Kick who?’ I reply, Mum stands up and tells Taylor to stay here, she looks worried but sits still in her seat, getting her phone out to occupy herself.

‘What? No! How could you? I love her-‘ I hear Louis choke back his tears and my stomach flips over in worry. I stand up from my bed and I walk towards my room’s door. There are 2 broad looking policeman standing closer to Louis , Dan is behind, with somewhat fake tears rolling down his cheek while Louis’ eyes are slightly puffy and red. Real tears.

‘No you don’t! You hardly know her! You followed her when she was meant to be meeting me then set that tree alight with a lighter! I saw you! I tried to get my little Cuppy away but you—‘

Cuppy? Cuppy? What are all these pathetic lies coming out of his mouth? I glare at Mum who is behind me and her face has saddened.

‘He is not and never will be worthy of you Cass, go now, get rid’ She whispers. Nodding towards Dan. I walk towards him and he looks back at me, all the braveness he had when he was spewing out lies looked crumbled and he took a small noticeable step backwards. I take my hand and harshly slap him across the face.

‘Don’t you dare try to blame your mess on Louis. You damn well know what happened last night.’ I spit, I turn to walk away but am stopped by the pressure being put on my arm as Dan grabs it.

‘But I love you, we're made for each other cuppy’ Dan tightens his grip and I bite my lip and look to the floor to stop the prickling tears fall. I put my hand behind my bag and signal my Mum to do something.

'Come on now cuppy, let's go , leave these guys to your stalker' The sentence rolls of his tongue, as if planned.

‘Now’ I hear Mum whisper. She wants me to kick Dan, now.

I spin round and unleash myself from Dan, harshly whipping him around the face with my foot. I look up at Louis and he’s pushed to the floor by Mum who knocks Dan out with her fist. She curses him. I see the policemen’s shifty actions before tackling all three of us to the ground, hand’s behind our backs. Is this it?

A loud groaning noise erupts from Dan’s body, sprawled out on the floor. I hold back a giggle , wondering how I could laugh about anything in this situation. I hear shuffling from the group of people which had formed around us in all this drama and turn my attention back to Dan, on his feet and looking as angry as the night he tried to knife me. Panic rises up in me.

‘I thought you knocked him out Mum’ I stutter. She looks back at me.

‘So did I’

The left side of Dan’s face is a burgundy colour from where he got slapped, kicked and punched. I almost stifle a silent giggle when I hear the click of a trigger. I turn around to see Dan and a polished looking gun at Louis’ head. I scream and watch the tears roll down Louis’ pale cheek.

‘See’ Dan chokes, his arm is shaking.

‘See what?’ I cry , fighting against the grip of one of the policeman who is holding me back, the tougher looking one is making his way to Dan.

‘You’ll never love me like you love him’ his voice trembles.

‘How can I? I’m too scared’ I whisper hoarsely, watching my tears hit the floor. Dan doesn’t reply to my question.

‘It’s him, it’s all him, if he hadn’t but into our relationship—‘

‘I’d be dead Dan!’ I yell back at him. He starts to reply but I cut him off.

‘Louis saved me from you Dan. And he helped me realise that I could do a lot better than you. You hurt me, countless times, and no matter what you do, nothing is ever going to happen between us again’ I steadily reply. I’m looking at Louis as I say this, watching the fear in his eyes as he continues to look down at the floor.

‘Louis’ I say. He gradually looks up in response.

‘I love you’ I reply, the words spill out of my mouth and I immediately regret it. I see the smallest blush in Louis’ now white cheeks. Wondering how long I have left to see of him. Alive.

‘Don’t hurt him!’ I scream, Dan’s finger is inches away from fully pulling the glimmering trigger. I see him release it, and put his arm down. I sigh to myself and now I realise what is coming, the gun is now aiming at me. Before I can blink the bullet is speeding at me, and then a figure jumps in front of it. I stand up quickly and it’s one of the policemen. The other is on top of Dan, pushing him to the floor trying to remove his gun from his grasp, I hear a loud bang and quickly turn to Louis and around to see who got hit. But then I pause and feel pain sear through my thigh, I look down and see a small hole in my hospital gown. I look down to Dan and he’s smirking as the gun is snatched out of his hand. He shot me.

Louis sprints towards me and covers his mouth with his hand. Before shouting for help, a nurse quickly rushes over and I feel my muscles in my leg weaken. As I fall to the floor I see Mum also run towards me. Everything is in slow motion and my eyesight is slightly hazy. I’m not sure whether that is from the pain or shock.

‘Everything will be okay’ I hear Mums voice echo through my ears. The room starts to spin and I see Lily. She is standing at the door looking gobsmacked and then starts to scream. Loudly. My ears sting and I see her eyes widen at something behind me. Louis looks behind also and Mum cups his face in her hands.

‘Get out of here, keep her safe, promise me you’ll keep her safe’ She cries. Everything is blackening and I feel someone’s arms scoop me up and one of the nurses quickly injects something into me and gives a bandage to the person holding me. As I’m being carried to a room I see about ten other people in hoodies and baggy jeans, one holding something shiny. I figure it is a knife but then the black haze around my vision is limiting my sight. I scream for Mum as I can still see her red hair in the room with them.

‘It’s ok, you’re safe’ She cries back.

‘Where is Louis?’ I croak, my throat hurts along with the rest of my body.

The fingers of someone tilt my chin up and I see the eyes of Louis. Unlike any others.

‘Right here, close your eyes, your safe Cass’ He whispers, kissing my forehead before continuing to run.

My eyes sting and I close my them, the noise of everything drums through my ears right to my head, making it ache.


A/N sorry if this has taken a while to upload! But hey, this isn't too much of a cliffhanger is it?;)  Pretty dramatic chapter if you ask me, but hey ho, hope you enjoy! :) xoxoxox

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