Chapter Two: Missing the obvious

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A/N I was supposed to publish this this morning:) but Mum dragged me out! But here it is , hope you liiike!:) xx

‘She’s waking up Louis’ I hear an Irish voice on my left side and I open my eyes quickly.  A blonde haired boy looks at me and cracks a friendly smile.

‘Hi’ he says poking me.

‘Who who are you?’ I stutter, letting my eyes re adjust to the light.

‘Niall..’ He laughs. ‘Who are you?’ He beams.

‘Erm Cassie’ I croak, coughing and spluttering slightly.

‘Would you like some water Cassie?’ He asks, patting my back.

‘Yes please’ I reply. My throat feels it’s on fire.

He returns with a glass filled of cold looking water , he passes it to me and sits next to me on the sofa that I had been lying on. I sip the water , it soothes my throat.

‘Do you remember anything from last night?’ He says softly, his eyes widening. My mind flashes back to last night. Dan. A knife. I gulp. And look down.

‘It’s hazy. But he had a knife. My boyfriend had a knife’ I stare into the apartment I was in. It was modern. But not too modern, it had a comforting atmosphere and it smelt like brewing coffee and fresh cut grass came from the open window.

‘He was your boyfriend?’ Niall’s eyes widened again. I look down again and nod.

‘You were lucky Louis saw you!’ He gasps. ‘ could have know’ He mutters slowly.

‘What about this guy Louis? Is he ok? Dans crazy! Was Louis hurt?’ I say, worrying about this other guy who apparently saved me from Dan.

‘He’s fine. He has a few cuts and bruises but he’ll be ok, but Dan.. we called the police. We told them everything we saw , he’s in a cell for the night until today where he’ll be charged and most likely locked up. It’s ok, I don’t think you have to see him again.’ Niall says, smiling weakly. I breathe a sigh of relief. I don’t think I could see him again anyway. Not after this.

‘That’s good’ I say , taking another sip of water. Niall smiles again and call’s Louis.

‘OI LOU!’ He shouts, I wince as his shout rings through my ears. Niall sees me wince and mouths ‘sorry’ at me before walking away to find Louis I presume. I take the time he’s away to study Niall and Louis’ apartment in more detail. It’s mostly open plan and a very airy light place. I’m sitting on a cream couch and in front of me is a leather footstool. When I look up from the footstool a plasma tv fills up half of the wall. I turn my head slightly to check out the kitchen, it’s pretty big and there’s a posh looking counter island in the middle, although it looks untouched, the kitchen looks so clean apart from the two pizza boxes half way into the bin. I can’t see the rest of their place from where I’m sat so I try to stand up, I steady myself with the footstool and feel extremely light headed. How long have I been lying down? I feel my ankles start to give in and I fall onto the floor in a heap. I must have had a hard landing because Niall runs in, a tallish dark haired boy follows him in also, he’s wearing red skinny jeans and a stripy t-shirt, a beanie hat is sat on top of his hat looking like it’s just about to come off and he’s wearing fluffy slippers that remind me of my Nans.

‘Cassie!’ Niall exclaims, walking a bit quicker towards me.

‘Hey’ I smile, although I’m still looking at the dark haired boy. Niall notices and laughs.

‘That’s Louis, yeah he’s pretty good looking isn’t he’ He winks.

‘Oh um’ I stutter, I could feel my cheeks burning. Louis laughs revealing a perfect smile that made my cheeks redden more.

‘What are you doing on the floor anyway? We heard a thud’ Niall asks, frowning.

‘Oh um, I tried to stand up and I ended up here’ I say, looking round at the floor. ‘You should consider getting carpet y’know, comfier landing and all’ I smile, although I could feel my bum bruising. Niall cackles and Louis grins.

‘Your ankle!’ are the first words Louis says to me, his eyes widen and he paces towards me and crouches next to me. I look at my ankle and it’s swollen and red. Come to think of it, it does sting quite a bit too. Louis looks up at Niall and tells him to get some ice and Louis looks back at me. His eyes are a gorgeous blue. Yet in the light of the window they have a slight green tinge to them. It’s another 2 minutes before Niall returns with ice, although it felt like less. Louis blushes a little when he looks away from me, I smile and look down.

‘Here we go’ Louis says putting my foot into the bowl of ice. It feels refreshing. Louis takes some of the ice and gently places it on the swelling which stings. In the kitchen Niall turns on the radio and ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ comes on. I start to sing along regardless of the fact Louis and Niall were there. I never really sang in front of people, I didn’t think I was that good. Louis smiled and joined in as well, his voice is sweet and sounds a lot like the boy band, I blush.

‘You like One Direction?’ Louis asks, raising one eyebrow.

‘I love them! They’re great!’ I beam, looking down at my ankle, it already looked better.

‘Well Lou she thinks we’re great!’ Niall laughs, Louis looks over at him and smiles. Whereas I frown in confusion. We’re great? What does that mean? That would mean they were One Direct-…

My eyes widen until they feel like they’re about to pop out. How could I miss the blatant and obvious? I was in One Directions apartment. ONE DIRECTION. 

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