Chapter 31: Thunder and Lightning.

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I shut the front door to our apartment and begin to make the same route I make every day, out onto the street. My head suddenly started to pound and I suck in air quickly as a sharp pain hits my scalp. Great, a headache, just what I needed.

I hit the traffic lights button and drum my fingers against my pocket impatiently, waiting for the little man to turn green. When it does, I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, taking my time crossing the road. For a split second it crosses my mind what would happen if I got hit by a car, what would it feel like? I shake this thought away when I think of Cassie and what happened to her Dad and quicken my pace. As my foot hits the pavement on the other side I hear screams, I look up and a group of younger girls start to run towards me.


‘We love you!’

‘Is Cassie nice?’

‘You’re too good for her!’

‘Can you sign my phone?’

I try not to roll my eyes and I wince as another pain shoots through my head.

‘Erm , uh, thanks, yeah sure’ I answer quickly, taking the pen from the blonde haired girl who asked me to sign her phone, quickly, I scrawl my name across the back of her blackberry, adding a smiley face.

‘Thanks!’ She squeals. I nod and smile in return.

‘Erm, I have to go, see ya’ I mutter, trying my best to smile at the group before walking away. I immediately regretted sounding so blunt to them, but I couldn’t help it, my head was pounding and I really wasn’t in the mood for anything.

I walk down several streets until the familiar sounds of waves crashing against the rocks echo through my ears, I hadn’t exactly planned where I was going, but the beach was quiet. So what better place to come to clear my head?

I walk across the beach car park and slip my TOMS off, before stepping down the concrete steps and jumping onto the cold sand. I slowly start to pace along the empty beach, and let a thousand thoughts run to my head. Mostly about Cassie, I couldn’t even begin to reason with my self why I was so stressed all of a sudden, maybe I was scared of losing her, but surely that wouldn’t happen? I’m pretty sure she loves me.. and I do love her, so why was I questioning our relationship? I shake my head and run my hands through my tangled hair before walking a little quicker down the beach towards a cave in the cliffs rocks.

Just as I approach the cave, a drop of rain splashes on my nose, followed by another on my shoulder. I sigh and run into the cave, sitting down near the entrance so I’m sheltered. Just as I sit down, I hear a crunching noise come from the inside of my hoodie, frowning, I put my hand up it and my hands are greeted by a sudden warmness being radiated of my body on my cold hands, and then I feel the envelope I had forgotten Liam had given me from earlier. I pull it out, and run my fingertip underneath the seal carefully. Once it’s open I pull the letter out and unfold it, my eyes scanning over the letter from Paul and our management. I skim read the list of rules and things that needed to change and the timetable of tour dates until I got to the date our tour would actually start.

Be packed and ready by the 14th September, your tour bus will be outside my office.

Zayn- The stylists have enough hair products for you, don’t bring so much this time.

Niall- You have enough money to buy food while you’re there.

Harry- No, the tour bus is not a place to bring back women.

Louis- You do not need 50 pairs more shoes than what you already bring.

Liam- I’m trusting you to not let the others pack essentials they do not need to bring! :)

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