Chapter Fifteen: Gunpoint

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I watch Cassie as she falls asleep back in her hospital bed, she looks tired, scared and partly happy at the same time, confusing. I told her I loved her. Because I really do, ever since I saved her from Dan. I don't know but it's something about her, something really special, that I never want to let go of. 

'Where is she?!' A small red haired woman looking worried speeds through to the reception desk on this floor of the hospital. I perch on the arm rest of a chair nearest to Cassie's room and watch the red haired lady in her panic. 

'Who are you here to see?' The lady from behind the desk replies calmly. 

'My my daughter, Cassie Nectar, I'm Ellen, Ellen Nectar' She stutters. 

Cassie? That was Cassie's Mum? I study the woman's face from a distance, picking out the similar cat eyes and small button nose. Nectar. That was Cassie's last name, I recall Cassie telling me this one night in the flat, along with other small details about herself. Like how her favourite colour was orange, she preferred dogs to cats, she had been to Paris, her favourite type of flowers were Lilies and that she liked to play guitar. 

'She's through that door there, the man who was with her has already seen her, she's doing just fine Mrs.Nectar' The woman behind the desk ushers her away to the direction of Cassie's room. Cassie's Mum quickly turns around and corrects the woman behind the desk. 

'Miss' She says, before quickly scurrying towards Cassie's room, but stopping at the sight of me first. 

'Who are you?' She demands, her green eyes are slightly darker than Cassie's and contrast with her fiery red hair. 

'Erm, Louis, Louis Tomlinson m'aam' I grin, saluting her in a childish manner. Immediately pulling my hand back down and sinking into my seat. Thankfully she sort of smiles back. 

'No, I know who you are, you're one of the overplayed bands on my radio' She snaps back, although she smiles. 'But how do you know Cassie?' She queries. 

'Uhm well, a couple of weeks ago, or uhm, I don't know how long it is now' I think back to when Dan tried to hurt Cassie , how long ago was that? 2 weeks? 'Her boyfriend, ex, Dan tried to stab her and I was walking past trying to get a cab to my apartment with Niall and we saw her struggling and I stopped him and then she stayed with us for a bit, and we thought Dan had been locked up after that, but then, then when I took Cassie out, he was there and then-' I feel an angry tear squirm its way out of my eye and I wipe it away quickly. Cassie's Mum sits down next to me and gives me a quick hug. 

'You've kept her safe poppet, and that's all a parent could have wished' She reassures me, she releases me and gives me a friendly smile before making her way into Cassie's room. Shutting the door behind her. I feel a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and I feel suddenly a lot safer, I realise it's the kind of feeling I'd get when my Mum gives me hugs. How I missed those huge bear-hugs right now. It was only at least 4 weeks ago I'd last seen her, and usually it can be up to 4 months. I suppose after all the commotion recently I had forgotten how much it was needed to just have someone to cuddle you and tell you everything would be okay. 

A short while after Cassie's Mum arrived, a curly blonde haired girl rushed through the doors of the ward, her hair bouncing on her shoulders. She rushes to the desk and asks for Cassie. I realise she must be a friend of hers and I stand up. 

'Omg!' She says when she sees me, I laugh nervously. 

'You're Louis Tomlinson! If I wasn't completely freaked out about my bestie right now then I'd faint and like totally freak out, but then I can't freak out because you two are like, together! I think, I don't know , there's lots of pictures of you online and yeah!' She says everything in one sentence, or so it sounds, she's babbling so fast it's difficult to understand her. 

'Er yeah, hi!' I grin, she beams back and rushes into Cassie's room, again shutting the door behind her. 

I slouch back into my seat for another 10 minutes. Watching the small ticker make its way around the clock on the wall behind the front desk. I wonder whether to go back in to Cassie's room but figure that it's probably best just to leave her with her Mum and friend. After twiddling my thumbs and wondering whether to buy some Carrot Cake from the little café on this floor, two bulky looking policeman enter the ward, swiftly moving towards the front desk, they're joined by the familiar face who started the fire himself, Dan. I stand up to avoid having to face him again when the policemen turn around. Dan screams and shouts. 

'That's him! You hypocrite! You put my girlfriend in hospital!' He yells, I scowl at his stupid accusation. 

'What are you on about? She's not your girlfriend and you know it, as for putting her in hospital, how could you even say that? You're mental, you set that fire and you put her in danger, she's lucky to be alive!' I retort, stepping closer towards him. He sighs loudly and puts his head in his hands. 

'See what I mean? He's crazy, and he nearly killed my bestfriend, my girlfriend, maybe even wife soon, and now she's cooped up in there scared of this man who she doesn't even know!' He cries, sniffling. My gut twists at this little sweet and sickening speech of lies. How could he even do this? What is he trying to accomplish here? The policemen look at each other shiftily and then back at me. 

'You're going to have to come to the station sir' The beefier looking one says, sniffing. 

'But I haven't even done anything! It's all him! He's lying!' I exclaim, pacing in front of the blinds of Cassie's room. I catch Dan's eye and he gives a devilish smirk. 

'Sir , come with us please' They order. I look back at Cassie's room. 

'I can't, my , my-' I start. 

'You're friend? Barely friend, you stalk her, she rang me the other night crying about all the death threats you were sending her!' Dan shouts, fake looking tears coming out of his eyes. I look down and see the bottle of water which he used to splash his face so it looked like he was crying. 

'Is this true?' One of the men question , looking into my eyes. 

'What? No! How could you? I love her-' I cry, unlike Dan, I could feel genuine tears prickle my eyes. 

'No you don't! You never did! You hardly know her! You followed her when she was meant to be meeting me then set that tree alight with a lighter! I saw you! I tried to get my little cuppy away but you-' He stops, and gazes behind me, I turn on my feet to see Cassie standing there , her eyes glimmered and she looked disgusted, angry even, a side I had not seen of her before. She glares at Dan before pacing towards him, whipping her hand round his cheek.  

'Don't you dare try to blame your mess on Louis. You damn well know what happened last night,' Cassie curses before turning on her heel, but Dan grabs her.  

'But I love you , we're made for each other cuppy' he coos , I notice the grip on her arm. She looks to the floor and I watch the policemen stand and do nothing , can't they see he's hurting her? I feel the anger towards Dan bubbling up slowly inside of me. 

'Come on now cuppy, let's go , leave these guys to your stalker' Dan says weirdly, I see the twisted smirk play on his lips. I'm about to swing a punch his way when I'm pushed out of the way , Cassie spins round out of Dans grasp and kicks him the face , Ellen , her Mum appears suddenly and hits him again in the face.  

'Don't you dare call my daughter Cuppy' she spits. Finally the policemen are back to earth and begin to go ape. Tackling us to the floor and putting our hands behind our back, I sigh loudly and look over at Cassie and her Mum. 

A loud groaning noise comes from Dans body which is sprawled across the hospital floor. I look around and watch the crowd which must've formed earlier gather around us , nurses , doctors and patients all stare , suddenly backing away and scurrying off. I feel the policemen let go of us and I turn my attention back to Dan , now standing up , one side of his face looking slightly purple. He walks towards me and reaches for his back pocket and before I know it I'm held at gunpoint.

A/N Oooo... What's gonna happen next? Well , I already know but yeah(: good cliffhanger? Any advice? Compliments? Are you enjoying the story so far?:) thank you for all the comment and votes , I've reached ten thousand views so happy! Thanks guys! Xxxxxx

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