Chapter 27: Taylor

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‘I hate this, so much’ I mumble into Louis’ chest. We were sat in the back of the police car. Mum was in the front with the policeman from earlier who she ran to tell that Taylor was still being kept by the rest of Dan’s ‘gang’, my innocent best friend who got dragged into all of this just by coming to visit me at the hospital. It all seemed so long ago now.

Louis twirls my hair around his finger absent mindedly.

‘I know, it will be over soon, I promise’ he whispers, but even then he sounded unsure.

A few silent minutes pass, I gaze out of the window, at anything that we passed, tree’s, other cars, carefree and happy couples, and a teenage boy, who looked about the age of 18, wearing a green stained jacket. We seemed to have slowed down, so I watched him as he took a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and proceeded to roll one. I study him as he almost completely rolls it, before he turns suddenly and a young girl with dirty blonde curly hair as she passes him, his face screws up and he throws the cigarette to the floor and subtlety grab her wrist. She avoids his gaze and turns away, then suddenly she meets my gaze in the police car.

‘Taylor?’ I whisper. A wave of realization hits me.

‘Stop the car!’ I scream, the screech of brakes make me jump and I quickly unlatch myself from Louis’ arm which was around me and I open the car door.

‘Look left and right, all cars out of sight, cross the road quick so you don’t get hit’ I sing quietly to myself as I look both ways. I scurry across the road and Louis calls after me.

‘Cass?! Where are you going!?’ I don’t say anything back as I am within inches from Taylor.

‘Cassie!’ She cries, running towards me, she looked older, tired. As soon as she shouted my name the green hoodied boy’s eyes widened and he grabbed her wrist tighter.

‘Get off me!’ She screams, loud enough to make surrounding people’s eyes glare at him. He notices and covers her mouth, dragging her down the nearest alleyway. Crowds start to stir and I run after them, an older woman stops me.

‘This is good show, no? You good actress yes, money?’ She says, her husband appears next to her and he says something back to her in another language. She shakes her head then they both turn to walk away. I frown in confusion and then realise I’d lost where Taylor had gone. I approach the alleyway and see one door towards the end slam shut. I start to sprint for it when two hands land on my shoulder.

‘Cassie!’ Louis’ voice echoes down the alleyway. He pants.

‘You never said where you were going, so I ran..’ He grins cheekily then frowns.

‘Why are you-?’ I cut his question off.

‘Taylor, she was here with a guy in a green hoody, he saw me then grabbed her and took her down here, I think she’s in there,-‘ I say, pointing towards the door. Louis’ eyes widen and he starts to pace towards the door.

‘No,wait Louis’ I say sternly.


‘Don’t what?’ He questions.

‘I don’t want you to get hurt, there could be lots of them in there, and-‘ Louis stops my talking as his lips crash into mine.

‘Stop worrying, you worry me’ He says, kissing me again but this time lightly and just on my cupids bow on my lip. I roll my eyes.

‘How can I not worry? In the past, I don’t know how long, month? Everything has been topsy turvy, Louis Tomlinson saved me from my own boyfriend, I dumped him then he decides to hunt me down, he shoots me, we run away from him, we get lost, he finds us, we capture him, all over? No, my best friend is still in there with a bunch of creeps who are with the son of the Father who killed my Dad! And on top of that I’ve fallen in love with the guy who deserves better than me, who has a completely carefree and amazing life that anyone would die for-‘ I feel myself start to ramble. Louis puts his index finger to my lips.

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