All Aboard, Just You

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"ERIK!!! I told you not to leave the damned ropes out!" Rogers bellowed out, his putrid breath reeked of a dead animal and lots of whiskey.

Waving in acknowledgement, Erik mulled about the cargo that belonged to the guests aboard the annual cruise on the fine ole ship, Lessio.

Lessio had seen her time sailing across the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean and now, they simply wanted to go across European boarders. A simple trip, it was supposed to be.

His eyes squinted and his brows furrowed against the harsh glares of the sun. Wiping off beads of perspiration, he looked towards the guest boarding area. Watching, he scanned all the people slowly padding the wooden plank covered in red felt.

Not seeing much that was out of the ordinary he turned to return to his work, but right as he was about to, something caught his eye.

Or rather, should I say... Someone?

A beautiful auburn-haired maiden fanned herself daintily with a lace covered fan, smiling sweetly at a older woman with whom she was conversing. The fabric of her clothes and the accessories that adorned her proved that she was of a wealthier family.

But her demure manners and dainty actions proved to be more similar to that of a lower class servant. Her humble way of speaking also showed that she was clearly brought up a little differently compared to the average upper class lady.

Though his curiosity was peaked, Erik turned back to his work and diligently continued. Though a certain blue-eyed maiden remained on his mind.

Story Plot Ideas |  [Vol. 1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon