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The sound of her kitten heels on the smooth polished marble echoed throughout the lobby, her soft babydoll-like features were now set into an angry, determined scowl. 

The receptionist looked up just in time to see a 5'2 girl charging straight towards her.

"Find me Xander Vasilios, he's got another thing coming for him today. Tell him Caillette Gimondi is here to see him. So he better get his ass down here. And soon."


Caillette Gimondi was somewhat picture perfect, rich little daddy's princess and all around good girl. She got straight A's in high school, and even in college, graduating with a masters in business and finance. Mentored by her Uncles and father since a young age, her business acumen was exceptional for someone so young. 

Xander Vasilios, playboy, millionaire and trust fund baby. Pretty much Caillette's twin. The difference? He didn't even bother going into the family business, living off of his import trading parents who earned millions for him everyday to blow off on strippers and sports cars.

You see, how they tie together is that waaaaaaay back in college, Caillette lost her virginity to Xander, filmed it and forgot about it.

So did he, up until recently.

Paparazzi somehow got their slimy hands on the recording and released it to TMZ, Perez Hilton and just about anywhere else you could think of. This changed her image of "good girl" drastically, costing her millions in investments and shareholders were looking to sell their shares in the company. 

Caillette was just engaged to her long-time boyfriend, Malcom Dirassi, when the tape leaked. A fellow trust fund baby who didn't need much of an introduction, except for the fact that Caillette was the breadwinner and brains in the relationship.

He threatened to break off the engagement, which Caillette could not afford, for business reasons. 

So what does the small, fiery Louboutin-wearing heiress do?

Well, she stages something big with Xander. Big enough to win back her misogynistic investors and shareholders, as well as her fiancé. 

But maybe the flames that led to that tape hadn't been extinguished at all. Maybe... their feelings remained unchanged

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