Mutation of Dusk

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The wind was cold and harsh, blowing on her cheek. Shivering, she drew her coat tighter around herself and let out a breath of hot air, creating a funny little puff of fog.

She giggled to herself and tried to stop her teeth from chattering. It was nearly the witching hour, unusual for a young woman such as herself to be out.

But this was an emergency, one that couldn't wait for a suitable timing.

Her snow-white hair was covered in flakes of powder soft snow, which wet her hair as it melted. She guessed that she would contract the influenza or pneumonia by the time she delivered the news.

Shrugging it off, she pushed through the wind, howling and whipping her unruly hair every which way.

Finally, some light other than the lamp posts flickered in the distance and she heaved a sigh of relief.

Dragging her feet, she held her hand out in front of her as a form of pathetic protection against the snowstorm. Rapping on the brass knuckled with all the strength she had, she prayed that the people inside would hear her.

When the door opened, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hello Demetri. It is wonderful to see you again." Bright, pearly-white teeth blinded Demetri momentarily, before the sight of her stunned the elderly man into silence.

"Well, aren't you going to invite an old friend in?" 


Chapter 1(ish)

"Wha- Well... I mean, he- Good God." That was all Demetri could muster, as he took in the appearance of the woman standing before him.

"Eliza? Is that truly you? It's- It's been almost... I think 40 years since I last saw you." Demetri stuttered, placing a hand over his heart to steady its beating.

"I do recall it was back in 1875 when we first met. The last time we saw each other was in 1886, when you had to sail off." Eliza offered, smiling warmly at her old flame.

Still in shock, Demetri barely registered the sound of his wife calling to him. When he finally jerked back into the present, Maria had already picked herself off the sofa and was standing right beside Demetri.

"Demetri darling, who's this? Oh, the poor thing is wet. Do come in, come in! I insist." Maria said, ushering the white-haired maiden in. Not questioning the colour of her hair or her peculiar eyes.

"No! Wait Maria. This could be a hoax. A ploy to kidnap us or rob us." Demetri warned, eyeing Eliza suspiciously.

"I can assure you Demetri, this is no faux play. However, I would love to catchup. Your wife is very lovely. Thank you, Maria." Eliza replied coolly, smiling warmly.

Maria looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry dear. Do I know you?" Maria asked, looking a bit apprehensive.

"No, you do not. But you might want to invite me in to hear the story I have to tell." Eliza said, offering a reassuring look. 

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