Solve the Riddle | h.p.

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It's been 20 years since the death of Voldemort. Everything's been fine and dandy, Harry and Ginny. Ron and Hermione. Everything was normal and quite wonderful for a while.

Until there was a strange finding on the grounds of Hogwarts one day. And that finding changes everything.

Voldemort has returned.

Well, not quite. Tom Riddle has returned. The dashing, charismatic and charming version of the well-known villain.

However, the plot thickens.

Riddle has returned with no recollection of his past life. From his birth till his death, Riddle remembered nothing.

With a heart made out of gold, McGonagall saw a chance to give the former monster a chance at redeeming himself. With a new slate and a new start, Tom couldn't be more confused as to what was going on.

But you see, he remembered all his magic and spells and charms and potions. But nothing of his own life. Veritaserum confirmed the truth of it all.

So, to ensure the boy's and others' safety, McGonagall put the responsibility of Riddle's wellbeing in an unknown Ravenclaw's hands. In hopes that he would find his own path, one made anew.

Unfortunately, trouble strikes when bits of his past come floating back to Riddle.

Will [insert name] be enough to save him from the dark side? Or will he succumb to darkness once more?

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