Swear Jar | #WattPride

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Many of you may already know, and if you don't, I'm bisexual. In honour of #PrideMonth and #WattPride, I will be dedicating my next 2 story plot ideas to a LGBT+ theme. Enjoy! :)


Tiana has got quite a mouth on her, about literally anything and everything. Her friends think it's a bit much, her parents are about to have an aneurysm, and her school gives her a detention everyday. 

Until her friends come up with a solution. 

Peter Greene is a senior who's confident, dumb and hella hot. Tiana's friends tutor him and in return, hires him to kiss Tiana every time Tiana swears, until she stops. Tiana agrees instantly, but devises a plan for Peter to do badly in his tests so she can never stop kissing Peter.

Isobelle Carterina is bubbly, bright and totally into girls. She's head over heels for Tiana, but Tiana is an oblivious wreck. 

A whirlwind of drama unfolds as Tiana slowly falls for Peter, who falls for Isobelle, who falls for Tiana. 

This beautiful equation is complicated by the fact that Tiana is a bisexual wreck, Isobelle is a femme lesbian, and Peter is a pansexual who is unaware of the fact that Kai, Tiana's transgender best friend is in love with him.

Ooof, let the drama begin. 

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