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"Heaven hath no rage like love to hatred turned

Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned." ~ William Congreve


She was strong, intelligent, sexy and deadly.

Her name was Odelle. 

She was the best of the best, the deadliest of all the warriors, but she was exiled. Exiled for something she did not do, for a crime she did not commit. Now she was angry, vicious and ready for revenge. 

Odelle left her spineless worm of a husband and her two beautiful children behind. Starting anew somewhere else.

She bided her time, planning, scheming for the day she would return for vengeance.

And then she saw her opening.

Odelle was back. 

She was back from exile.



Welcome to the start of 2018, I'm actually quite excited. So This is the first update of the year. :)

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