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Hello, my name is Constance. Constance Owen. 

Ever since I was little, my mother would tell me this story of a little girl, born under the starlight of a thousand shooting stars. Her fate was written for her before she even left the womb. She was to be the bride of a monster, and as it's bride, she would bring love and goodness to the monster. As the monster became good and kind and human, the girl would wither, as she gave her life for the monster's soul. 

It was a dark tale, one that I had written off as urban legend; until my mother showed me proof. I come from a long line of guardians, we call ourselves the Curators. We collect urban legends and protect sacred tradition. 

When a prophecy is spoken, we record it, collect proof, and store it, until a day comes when it is to be fulfilled. We help some prophecies a little along the way, if they happen to go off path. Certain prophecies need to be fulfilled, if they aren't, the consequences would be dire. The universe would change it's entire course and certain destruction may befall humankind. 

And then this prophecy came along. The girl that was to save the monster's soul would be born under the starlight of a thousand shooting stars. My fraternal twin sister, Corinne, was born under the starlight of a thousand shooting stars, at 12.05am, 1 September 2000. I was born at 11.59pm, 31 August 2000, just 6 minutes before my sister and 1 minute before the stars fell. 

My mother did not want to believe at first, after all, who would want their child's life sacrificed for a monster? But she, herself, had collected the prophecy just a year earlier, so she knew it to be true. She tried to call out to fellow Curators around the world who monitored the births of every human being, to see if there was another girl born at the same time. 

No such luck. 

I was to protect Corinne with everything I had, as the oldest. She was to be sheltered from romance for as long as my mother could help it. 

But monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and they aren't always easy to spot. 

And what if, there was a mix up at the hospital. What if Corinne was really the older one and I was the one born under the stars? Well shit. 

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