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Angeline Harper, born of a Chinese-Mongolian father and a Dutch-Peranakan mother. 

She tells everybody to call her Gellie, like jelly. She loves historical fiction, as well as star-crossed romances. 

She's about as bisexual as they come, and all she does is daydream about her non-existent love life. The only thing straight about her, are her straight Cs. Yikes. 

She films videos of herself confessing her love to every single person she crushes on, and posts these videos on a YouTube channel that no one would ever find. None of her videos have a single view, just the way she likes it. 

Then one day, everything changes. 

Her first video, about her crush on Jeremy Steinsbherg, gains a hundred views over night, then a thousand, and soon, it's viral. 

She doesn't know this at first because she doesn't check up on her videos regularly, I mean who does? 

But then she gets a text from Jonathan Hugh, her ex-classmate/ex-crush about how he's flattered, and her old videos are cute. 

Then she spirals. 

Her entire channel has gone viral, including her most recent one about her crush on Noah. 

Noah Leanos. Adorable bookworm with a rocking bod from being in the wrestling team, not the most popular but definitely not invisible. 

As she begins to worry if Noah has seen her video, she realises that more is at stake. Her video detailing her most passionate crush on Henry Porter, is viral too. 

And Henry is her brother's best friend. 

Oof, talk about a yikes. 

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