Meriah Doston | h.p. (Sirius Black)

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"You can rightly tell me that there is a non-existent problem as many times as you want Sirius. I'm of bloody age and you do not get to tell me what I can and cannot do."

Groaning in frustration, Sirius ran a hand through his unruly black hair before facing the white-haired Metamorphmagus.

"I feel something for you that I cannot explain, and that frightens me Meriah." Sirius pleaded, with a certain look in his eyes.

Sighing softly, Meriah spoke up, "I know you do, and so do I. The difference is that I'm willing to let my feelings flow, and trust my instincts. You and I are both aware that I am part of something in this world that cannot be explained. So let's not question it any further and enjoy our time together."

Taking large strides forward, Sirius cupped her soft cheek, cheekily pulling her closer. Pressed up against him, Meriah giggled.

Slowly, the both of them leaned in, pressing their lips together. It was met with fire and passion that burned brighter than any spark in the entire universe.

There was a budding love there that neither party could deny. Now it was just a matter of revealing it to their friends.

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