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It was dangerous, risky and everything else in between. But she took that risk and rode out on a stallion, towards the campsite of the enemy. 


"Sire! We found this child, claiming that she is your daughter. She was hiding amongst the horses. She claims that she has brought information." The guard scoffed, holding her out at arms-length like some sort of vermin. 

Chuckling, the Roman emperor turned from facing his council. His eyes were the deepest blue of the ocean. Long, curled lashes fanned across his cheek when he blinked. His dirty blonde hair was swept back but yet curled in an unruly fashion, fighting against the rope that held it back. Age embedded itself in him, in the show of fine-lines and wrinkles. But he was majestic. 

"My daughter, you say? Well, let me see." He said, thinking of humouring the child.

But the moment that she walked in, people could tell from a mile away that they were related. 

She had smooth olive skin, and blindingly white teeth. Her arms and legs seemed strong, probably from running around. Her eyes were the colour of the deepest blue sea, take care that you wouldn't drown in them. Her hair was as unruly and blonde, as that of the man standing in front of her. She was breath-taking, even as a child. 

"I may be a child, but I am no fool. I bring proof. My mother was Aemiliana, you fell in love with her when you were in the city when you were younger. You left before she could tell you that she was with child." The child's tone was stubborn, firm and commanding. 

"Say that I believe you, Aemiliana would have named you something that we had always talked about. What is your name, child?" The Roman emperor questioned, seemingly believing. 

"I am Iovita." 


Emperor Jovian brought Iovita back with him when he returned. She was later recognised and legitimatised as Iovita, the next in line for the throne. 

She grew up strong, powerful and as beautiful as her mother was. But Iovita was not just a pretty face. From young, she displayed courage, strength and acumen. The people recognised her from afar and respected her from a young age. 

At 16, her father requested she join his council. Since she joined, the kingdom hadn't lost a single battle. 

When Emperor Jovian passed away from fever and old age, Empress Iovita ascended the throne. She had a keen eye for talent, but also for traitors and spies. She saw it coming before it even happened. She had been preparing for it since she was born. 

But those high walls that she'd built up around her heart, come crumbling down when she meets someone. 

Someone who will make her question her morals, her own mind. Someone who will challenge her beyond compare, and someone who makes her want to give up everything she had ever worked for...

For love.

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