Perriwinkle Rescue Mission

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Smiling contently, Christie swung slowly on the swing in her backyard, barefoot and wearing a pretty yellow sundress. Suddenly, the sky grew incredibly dark, incredibly fast, almost impossibly fast.  

"Wha- What is going on?" Christie asked herself softly, taking cautious steps toward the back door. 

Right at that moment, she heard her little sister scream and it jerked her into motion. She rushed back into her house and up the steps, slamming open the door of her sister's bedroom. She saw little Sabby curled up in her corner of her room, holding on tightly to her stuffed walrus, Terra. 

"Sabby? It's Christie, come on, you know I can't fit in there. You're going have to come out and tell me what's wrong. Ok?" Christie said, reaching out her hand to Sabby. 

Sniffling, Sabby spoke softly, "There was a monster outside my window." 

The single sentence sent chills down Christie's spine and she whipped her head around to stare at Sabby's pink-framed window. There was no one there, but something in her gut told her Sabby wasn't making any of this up and neither was the 4-year-old lying. 


Christine Perriwinkle grew up in a normal suburban neighbourhood with only her mum, step-dad and her little sister Sabrina. Nothing was out of the ordinary in her typical life except for the occasional teasing about her last name, but she was used to that by now. 

Sabby had never met their real dad but 17-year-old Christie was glad that the bastard left on her 13th birthday, so he would never put Sabby through the same nightmare. A month before Carol, their mum, was due to give birth, the pathetic excuse of a father up and left. 

It was more of a blessing than a curse really because Carol soon met Dave Periwinkle. A year and half of dating were all it took, the entire family fell in love with Dave. The wedding was simple and sweet while some legal matters were all it took before the family was happy and settled. 

However, when Carol and Dave go missing on a camping trip, it's up to Christie and Sabby to get their parents back. But they might need a little more help than expected. 

Maybe some help from the stoner at the back of the class, the dense but sweet jock and the mysterious bad boy who lived down the street.

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