Kills Me

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Watching you, standing so far yet so near. I'm in love with you, and I need to know if you feel the same way. 


I was in love with her, her adorable nose that wrinkled ever so often. Her wavy dark brown hair that swished mesmerisingly when she ran. I once heard her telling her friend that she didn't like the way she ran, I thought she was beautiful. She was clumsy, and not the most athletic, but she was so beautiful and captivating in the way that only she was.

Her brown eyes sparkled when she laughed, I loved making her laugh. It was so easy to make the corners of her eyes crinkle, to make a bubble of giggles burst from her lips. Whenever she laughed or even smiled at me, a warm, sticky feeling grew inside of me. It felt magnificent. 

No one thought we were compatible, not even my own best friend. But that was alright, because I knew you loved another. 

Another who was funnier, more beautiful, athletic, carefree and came with less baggage. One who could love you whole, without any cracks in themselves. 

You were better off with her, than me. 

So though I love you, I let you go. 


This is more personal, and I may not be over her when I publish this but I'm gonna publish it anyway because she doesn't follow me on Wattpad and wouldn't know that I was talking about her anyway. 

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