chapter 2

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The company game

Christy held on tightly to her fake fiance's arm. His name was Guvaan France, a male stripper from a club down at Planet Love. Actually, the planet's real name was Hover but it was nicknamed Love because of its high tolerance for sex and sin.

He was an old friend of Janice who was trying to break out of the stripping business to start an acting career. Turns out this was the perfect opportunity for him to get some real-life practice, making things a lot easier for Christy as well as her pocket. Imagine how pleasantly surprised she had been when she had first met him and found out he was Jude.

That little fact might sway Mr. Humack's opinion of her, She had thought. She had to be worth something if a Jude wanted to marry her, right? Not that she was really getting married. But he didn't know that...
And not that she needed Mr. Humack's approval in relationships. . . that would just be absurd.

They approached a group of workers chatting quietly together. All talking ceased as Christy and her Jude passed. It appeared word travel fast in the office. Christy tried her best to ignore the curious stares pressing into her back and moved over to one of the player's booths to bide her time before she had to face Humack.

She took a seat by a group of Selluxan women who'd come to watch the game. They smiled at Christy and Guvaan. Christy returned the smile. Those were the first smiles she'd gotten all day and it somehow lightened her mood.

She caught sight of a flash of white from the corner of her eyes. Her boss. Pretending not to notice he was a booth over, Christy moved closer to her fake fiance and rested her head on his shoulder.

Taking the hint, Guvaan moved his arm around her waist to pull her up closer to him.

They sat like that watching the game, or at least Christy pretended to take an interest, but truthfully she was acutely aware of Mr. Humack's dominating presence.


Navin stared frostily as Christal pressed herself against the nameless male's side, feeling his hackles rise. For some reason, it irritated him to watch the two act so in love. He told himself he was upset because the male was a Jude- his own species- and he was frolicking around with a human? It was sickening to see his own brethren stoop so low.

Humans were like scavengers, preying off others' hard work, passing it off as their own.

His sire had made the mistake of hiring a human once, it had taken him the better part of his cycles fixing what the little maggot had done to his Shimazu. It had nearly destroyed the Jude and from then on Navin had sworn to never make the mistake his sire did... until that rotation when he'd glanced up and saw lush, dark hair, deep brown eyes and a terse bow of a mouth ready to argue with him. He had been hard-pressed to hire her in his attempt to thwart circulating gossip regarding him being prejudiced, but deep down he knew he'd been hopeless.

He watched the mismatched couple now moving closer to where he sat under the booth, the male taller than her by at least a foot even though she was considered tall for a human female--not surprising since most Judes were taller than humans. He had a head of neon blue curls a shade darker than his blue skin.

Navin felt an irrational rise of dislike for the male. He didn't like the way his arm was hitched possessively around Christal's graceful yet curvy form. And in public no less. He felt himself itch to do something about it. The couple wasn't right for each other-even the blind could see. The guy's blue tone obviously made her look washed out.

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