Chapter 3

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The Infirmary

She fell. She freaking tripped over air and fell!

She heard the crowd shout as she went down, their voices blending to form one low drone that was undoubtedly the soundtrack to her doom.

She saw her demise in slow motion; her legs twisting over each other, arms flailing as her one shot of redemption flew with what seemed like mocking glee from her fingers. She tried grasping for the ball but it was already gone, soaring through the air to land with a thud to the dirt and rolling off in the direction of a Jude on the opposing team.


Christy felt her breathing becoming ragged. She had lost her chance. She shook with the reality of how close she'd been... but now so far. She knew her cheeks were burning with humiliation just as her eyes were. Attempting to get up, she avoided the sea of onlookers that were no doubt whispering and laughing at the silly little human as if she was some freaking circus animal.

There was a sharp whistle from the referee and Christy gave a yelp as she lost her balance, skidded, then plunged into a pool of swirling blue. Oh, crud!

Splash! Cold seeped through to her underthings in under two seconds, the heavy water making her clothes sag and stick to her body like Velcro to a naked behind. It just freaking had to be heavy water!

"Oh my goddess, Chris are you okay!" She heard her before she saw her. Janice's head no sooner popping up over the pit looking all nice and dry. Christy wanted to cry. Her friend was wearing a look of real concern but she would be damned if she let anyone see her cry in public- there were too many witnesses, most daunting of all-- Mr. Humack.

Speak of the devil. Mr. Humack's head appeared next. Oh Goddess, Why her lord!

"Need some help?" He asked, holding his hand out to her. A purple arm stretched out beside his and Christy took that instead. She didn't need his help.

Janice pulled her from the water and Christy wiped at her face, rivulets of water running down her features. She watched as Mr. Humack tuck his hands into his shorts. Served him right, she needed him to know she didn't need anything from him.

"Ms. Sanders are you hurt." Was that concern she heard in his voice? No, it must be her imagination.

"Oh, I am just peachy!" Why did he even care? This was his fault, he goaded her into playing- now she was soaking wet!

"I don't think sarcasm is appropriate in this situation Ms. Sanders, we really need to know if you suffered any injuries in the fall."

Silence. Okay, so Christy admitted to herself that he was right. And speaking of hurt, her ankle did feel a little off. Testing her theory she tried to walk and hissed. Yup, definitely hurt.

"Let me see that."

The way he said that... The last thing she expected was for the big CEO of Humack Pods, Mr. Humack himself- the Jude who bowed to no one- to stoop, one knee into red soil, before lowly little her and take her foot in his large white hands.

Instantly, the dormant charge that usually accompanied him came full force when his skin made contact with her skin. Fingers pressing in lightly, Christy knew he was testing to see the extent of her damage but she hissed again for an entirely different reason this time. His fingers felt like live wires, raising goosebumps on her skin, singing her flesh yet leaving no physical marks of its assault.

This was the first time Mr. Humack had ever touched her skin to skin for all the cycles she had been working for him. It felt strange and good all at the same time- it was almost like a really nice burn that somehow ended up being pleasurable. She must be going mad.

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