Chapter 13.5

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Not edited *short chapter

Chapter 13.5


A warm, buzzing tension filled the space between them and Navin found his body being held captive. She stared bleary-eyed at him, her lips parted and her breath shallow.

"You're doing it now."

She was indeed doing it again, pushing her energy on him. While he mentally fought how quickly he was absorbing the energy, his body in the meantime fell into that familar state of arousal he was fast beginning to despise. He could feel himself sinking into that warm haze of red he normally did when she released energy on him. It wrapped around him like the finest silk, pulling tighter and robbing him of his ability to resist the tight pleasure it incited. He had to consciously work to pull himself out of it. This was becoming an inconvenience. It was this that had put her here in the hospital in the first place. His lack of control was also sickening and it made him upset.

He forced himself to shift away from her, moving back in his seat and breaking their tensed connection. Looking away from the captivating picture she presented. He forced coldness into his voice, thankfully not having to fake the annoyance he felt at this unfortunate situation.

"You are in this hospital because you fainted," he continued in an attempt to diffuse some of the tension that was beginning to become a little too much between them. "It would appear you have developed a connection with me, or more aptly a sort of addiction, and fainting is the outward manifestation of your withdrawal. We are experiencing a dilemma similar in nature to what Ms. Frisdle and my cousin had experienced but there seem to be differences between us and them; in addition to falling into a coma, you also had a seizure. That was not expected. It is imperative to do something to fix this situation as soon as possible."

Her face shifted through worry then another emotion he could not place as she listened to him talk."What do you suggest?" She asked with a touch of fear coloring her words.

He didn't want to frighten her but there was little he could do about that given the circumstances. Her cooperation here was paramount. He stood to lose too much if she didn't.

"We have two options here." He answered, "I've decided on the one that would be most convenient..." he spoke slowly making sure to look her directly in those wide, strangely beautiful, eyes so that the magnitude of what he was saying would be conveyed.

"You can either bond with me or have sex. I've decided we should engage in the latter."

He had thought about this for some time and had recently decided that the discomfort of sex would be slightly better than the alternatives. He had been disgusted at the prospect of sex, with a human no less, but he could not deny that he had already known for a while now that sex was the only option for them. Despite what he had been telling himself.

Large brown eyes widened and her smooth pale cheeks took on a rosy quality. Her lips moved as if she was about to say something but lost her words. She appeared speechless in the face of his declaration.

His eyes followed the line of her throat as she worked to swallow, a slim finger raised in Navin's face to signal to him that she needed a minute. Scrutinizing her reaction with a slight frown on his face that he didn't bother to mask, he tried to read her, to no avail.

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