Chapter 9.5

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Hey guys! I just want to thank all of you guys for continue reading even though I take forever with the updates. It means the world to me!



She wanted him. She desired Mr. Humack. Physically at least.

But she couldn't afford to want him.

With burning cheeks, Christy tore her gaze away to peer out the huge glass window to her right. Opposite the one that overlooked the working station.

Snow, blackened by auto exhaust and industrial pollutants lay heaped on the streets below. From what she could see, the sky had darkened, casting everything in gloom and shadows. Her view of the street stretched down to the end of the main road, neon signs glowing in the gathering darkness, standing out in stark contrast to the massive buildings that made up this part of the neighborhood. The weather regulators were at it again it would appear. First rain, now snow. Probably they were malfunctioning because weather like this couldn't be normal, she thought absentmindedly.

But she didn't really mind. She always loved the snow, ever since she was a child.

From out of nowhere a fuzzy memory of her younger self and a tall woman in a blue dress playing in the snow, came to Christy. The memory was tinged at the edges with white and a fleeting sense of nostalgia that arose from a memory long buried and not frequently brought up– if ever.

She had no other memory of this woman but the familiarity she had expressed indicated the lady was either a family member or a very good friend. A friend who hadn't come to claim her when her mother went missing.

Christy clamped down on the recollection of that horrible day when the agent had shown up to give her the news... She remembered the agent's sympathetic face.

This woman in the blue dress, Christy wouldn't be able to identify her if asked to. The memory she had didn't come with a visual of the woman's face. All her conscious could recall of this mystery woman was that one snowy day and the feel of soft hands as she guided Christy's little hands while they patted the snow on a half-finished snowman.

An odd memory that had nothing to do with the present.

The sound of soft rustling drew Christy back from her short trip down a not-so-frequently traveled memory lane.

She glanced at Humack's face and experienced a different kind of heat rise further up her neck. Embarrassment. For a moment there she was lost in her head and Humack had witnessed it. He must think her coo-coo, not quite all there in the head.

He would probably be right. She didn't feel like herself.

It took her a few seconds to realize the light caress of his eyes on her, tracing her with his eyes like soft fingers gliding over her flushed skin, made Christy uncomfortable. An all too familiar kind of uncomfortable.

Those eyes. That bold stare filled with a type of seering... heat. By the goddess, how had she not have realized what his red gaze meant? It was so clear now to her. Such red-hot desire. For her. Her breath grew labored, adding to her hyeraware state.

But how? She was human. He hated her. At the moment she wasn't so sure.

She bet he couldn't control his reaction to her. She was in no way conceited. It was just that, for a Jude who hated humans so much, she couldn't imagine he would willingly lust after her. If what she was seeing was indeed lust. Why hadn't she asked Janice about that red gaze?

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