Chapter 7

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Another short chapter. Not edited. This story isn't pre-written, I write as I go along so I probably have some mistakes in here- plot holes ect. I would appreciate it if u guys could just point them out when you see 'em. Thanks! Happy reading!


A few hours and she felt better physically. Christy still had her main problem-- her increased size, and a few more-- but apart from that, whatever she had come down with this morning had faded from her system. The morning dose of her healergram had obviously worked. Now if only it could work to change her current bad mood...

The startling clank of metal hitting the floor betrayed Christy's level of emotional instability.

Irritation. Anger.

This might have had something to do with Janice's gleeful chatter. No, Christy was sure it had something to do with the chatter, of course. But she suspected it had more to do with the lingering stress of her new assignment, her growth problem, having to lie to her boss for a vacation, hallucinating about said boss and having a romantic dream about him. Just to name the major ones. She seemed to have a string of events happening one after the other and she was clueless as to what was behind them and how to handle it all. She had a right to be moody.

Damn it all. What sane person wouldn't be on edge?

Janice yelled and dodged the flying iPad that came at her and Christy watched with some small measure of satisfaction as the fragile metal twisted out of shape as it met concrete and Janice's voice halted- smack in the middle of her dreadfully long story about how well her robot puppy was doing tricks these rotations. There were only so many times you'd want to hear how high a preprogrammed dog could jump before you were tempted to scoop your brains out with a spoon.

Really, Christy wasn't the self-inflicting type of person. She didn't like pain, neither feeling it nor giving it. Today she was heavily considering abandoning the latter and hurt Janice.

Who knew an iPod had so many uses other than being the equivalent of a pen and paper on Earth anyway? At the moment it served as a way for her to vent her anger and another way to get Janice to shut up.

Her friend looked up at her, eyes widening in shock. "Did you just throw that at me?"

"No." Maybe.

"You did, you threw it at me."

So what if she had? Christy needed to concentrate and Janice's constant chatter wasn't helping. Yes, she could've simply told her to tone it down, but that hadn't seemed like a good enough way to fully express herself. Waste of her artistic abilities really.

"You know Chris, I don't like this new you. You obviously aren't yourself right now."

Well of course she wasn't herself! Too much had happened that'd changed her, literally.

So give her a prize for stating the obvious.

Standing there with her hands on her hips, Janice tried for stern but it came off as brooding. Was that look supposed to make her feel bad? Because... Well, it was starting to work.

Christy sighed and ran a hand through her tangled hair. It wasn't as neat as it usually was, minus the few times she'd gotten it wet in public, tendrils coming loose at the sides from frequently running her hands through it.

Janice was right, however. She was being a bitch. Between her condition and the added stress of the prototype timeline, she was a mass of suppressed anger and irritation just waiting to blow.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw the ipad in your direction." It was true, she was sorry. "This stress thing is getting to me you know." Christy pleaded with a failed attempt at a chuckle that Janice did not return.

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