Chapter 9

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This chapter doesn't feel right to me lol. I would not object if you guys point out anything that didn't fit, or if the story-line needed more detail. Your feedback helps me to improve the story for you guys. Remember, I write as I go so I might miss stuff. Not edited.



"Could it be, a human?" Carith asked in amusement, his tone suggesting he held little more than passing delight in this new discovery.

Navin's brilliant eyes gleamed in liquid-blue warning below his luxuriant thick lashes. "Do not concern yourself with that, Carith." He grated.

The human stood there staring blankly at them both, her face pale as Navin was irritated. What proved out of sorts was that he could sense that something was not the same about her. An aura that didn't sit right. He couldn't exactly put his finger on what it was but he had a slight inkling and it wasn't good...

He hoped to the lords it was not what he thought it was. It would only cause more problems for him. And with Carith here, sure destruction.

He didn't need to look to know that his brother was staring at Christal too. It was perhaps because he had never seen one up close before. A human, that was. And yet Navin knew that was just wishful thinking. She was giving off some kind of energy- tangible and thick, one he had felt last rotation in this very office. And chances were if he could feel it, then so could Carith.

A human giving off energy was strange enough. He did not desire for Carith to take an interest, yet he fears it was already too late.

Navin himself found that he couldn't look away from the female, allowing him to pinpoint the moment she realized the magnitude of her actions; bursting into his office like this. He noticed she'd started to fidget. He had fired employees for fewer offenses and she knew it. He saw it on her smooth, round face and slightly trembling stance. Not so sure of herself now, was she?

She took a tentative step into the office, her chin pointed up to the sky.

"You do not knock anymore, ms. Sanders? Lost all your manners I see."

"I-" she stuttered. Whereas a stroke ago, right as she'd flung his doors open, a fire had blazed in her eyes, she was now staring at him vacantly, her deep brown depths glassy and unfocused.

"I'm sorry sir, I tried to stop her." The familiar voice of Frashack said, the hologram of her face popping up into the room, her face scrunched in a concerned and mildly afraid expression. He was notorious for being in a bad mood whenever his brother visited. A bad mood meant people got fired.

His mouth tight, he pierced a look at his assistant over Christal's shoulders. He detested incompetence. What was the point of him hiring her if she couldn't keep a hundred and thirty pounds of human flesh out of his office?

"This is your job, is it not?"

"Yes, sir."

"I assume you want to keep it that way..." He raised a dark brow.

He didn't have to raise his voice, the force of his words held enough conviction to make a grown Jude quake in her boots. Usually, he was a little less short with his assistant but today he couldn't muster any such pleasantries.

His headache pressed incessantly into his skull. The waves of energy pouring off Christal rising the tiny ridges behind his ears. Both forces blended and blossomed, moving from the side of his head, spreading pressure between his eyes. Making his temper short.

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