Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve


Navin perched a hairsbreadth away from considering ruining his cousin's life. He knew Griffin wanted that new luxury Cruzer pod set to be released in a month, he could kiss that cruiser goodbye now.

"Is this true, Navin?" His mother asked, jerking Navin from his subtle thought of revenge. He caught sight of her concerned expression. She feared he did want to have sex, but he didn't. His body might think ms. Sanders was attractive in some disgusting way-physically, but his mind was firm. There was no way he would get involved with that woman romantically. Besides, long ago when he had first started to rebel against his sire he had acquired one of those performance tablets and had proceeded to try sex... It had been dry and immensely uncomfortable. He wasn't so keen on repeating the act.

"No, mother."

"So you don't want to sleep with Christal."

His brows creased and he shook his head slightly as if the thought was preposterous.  "No."

"I think you are asking the wrong question here, aunt Grace. The question should be, do you want to bone her!"

That grating laugh again from Griffin was like nails to Navin's senses. No one joined in yet heat suffused Navin's neck and sharp cheekbones tinting his skin a slight blue; it was not in embarrassment. It was anger.

Navin was coming to realize it was pointless to tell his cousin to cease the theatrics.

Forcing his breathing and shoulders to relax, he mentally climbed back into his shell of stoicism and ruthlessness. Usually, he let his guard down for his mother but he now realized that doing that would only breed disaster with Griffin around. He had an image to uphold. He didn't become the leader of a staggering empire by being soft and open.

"Watch your crude language." Grace's voice was hard.

"Sorry aunt Grace, but you know I'm right. Navin said he liked when the human gave him energy. I mean, I am sure he'd wondered what it would be like to do more than just being around her... a lot more." More laughter and a very unattractive eyebrow wiggle.

"Enough!" Navin grated and the smile slowly dropped from Griffin's face and the temperature in the room seemed to plunge with it.

The two male Judes stared at each other, Navin's eyes filled with annoyance. Griffin's eyes shifted between deep green and blue.

"We need to go check on Chris. Do you want to come miss G?" Janice offered through the tensed stare-down between the two males.

Looking disappointingly between her son and nephew, Graced answered. "Yes, I suppose we should since these two won't stop this anytime in the future, it would give them time to cool off. Besides, I would certainly like to see how she's doing, its been a while now since the seizure." Grace sounded relieved as if she couldn't mentally deal with Navin and Griffin anymore.

At the mention on checking on his employee Navin stood to follow but found himself stalled by a soft hand on his shoulder. "Its best if you stay here for now, dear..."

He glanced down at her hand before assessing the look on his mother's face. His teeth ground together. He knew what his mother wasn't saying. He might unknowingly take energy from Christal, or cause some other damaging effect without knowing. It was not safe for him to be around her so soon. The last time he had been, not more than a few strokes after he'd left she'd gone into a seizure. That might not have been his fault but something told him it was.

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