Chapter 4.5

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This chapter is brought to you by @BlindDragonEye who so very nicely asked me to update. Chapter seems a little choppy to me but I'll surely go back in later and fix it. Those of you who have been patiently waiting, here you go!




An hour. She could do an hour...

Thankfully her workplace was only ten minutes walk away from where she lived. She had ample time to head to a clothes store, buy something to wear to her meeting with her boss, change, and head to the office in no time.

Christy wouldn't really say she was a stickler for propriety, but she was a woman who held herself under certain strict rules, rules that would never allow her to show up to work in sweats and a T. She also prided herself on being a professional, striving to dress the part, making sure her hair was always in place, her suit wrinkle and lint free each rotation before she stepped from her apartment.

On rotations when she didn't have work, which happen less and less these rotations, she made sure to put on a nice top and well-fitting jeans when going out. Hair always in place.

Today, however, she was not that woman. She was too addled and wound tight to have remembered to fix her hair. Before she had left her apartment she had opted to hastily run her fingers through it, which hadn't done the dark locks much justice. Not that that would make a difference now, the currently wet tresses hanging carelessly in a limp mess of tangles around her face.

It resembled a rat's nest, she realized as she caught her reflection in one of the mirrors artfully strewn around the store. She had been caught in the rain on her mission to find a clothes store. This one- High Fashion- was located on the outskirts of Bogosia, and the rain had started not long after she left her house. You could only imagine how soaked she was.

Twice in one rotation, it seemed.

She knew she shouldn't have ignored the smell of manufactured ozone when she left her apartment. It was always followed by a heavy downpour. She had been too eager to find something to wear that she couldn't have brought herself to care enough to return for an umbrella.

At least she was clean, not having to worry about raccoon eyes. Her face was scrubbed clean of any makeup since she had taken a bath earlier, but she hadn't bothered to reapply, thankfully. It was a good thing she had good skin too. Small blessings, she always counted them.

Gone were the days when she could just walk into a building wearing, and looking, however the heck she wanted and nobody would even spare her a glance. But that was on Earth, and she was on Jude and possibly the only human in a hundred mile radius, she was certainly the only human in this retched store so she was bound to garner more than a couple stares. It was truly a sad thing to say you're used to being the center of negative attention regardless of what you looked like. But Christy was.

She felt the eyes like daggers on her back.

Gosh, she wished she was wearing her well-worn but comfortable silver synthetic-cotton skirt and top that she usually wore to work. It was her armor. At least she'd feel slightly more confident as she stared down these judgmental asswhipes.

Her search had brought her to a halt in front of High Fashion, the fancy lighting and holographic illustrations catching her eyes the moment she'd stepped on the street. The details told of what they had to offer and gave little glimpses on tiny screens on the walls of how high-end everything inside was. High-end meant expensive.

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