Chapter 14

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Not edited. At all.


Sex to save her life. If that wasn't the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard...

Christy unlocked her apartment door with a swipe of her wrist over the rectangular keypad in the wall. Her heart thumped in time with the mechanical beeping of the door as it began to slide open on its horizontal hinges.

She stepped inside, clutching her purse and a single compressed bag holding the clothes she'd fainted in, to her like a lifeline. A boulder-sized nervous knot sat in her quivering stomach even as she valiantly tried not to pay too much attention to male standing rigidly behind her.

He stepped in behind her and the door slid closed behind them.

Door closed. Apartment secured. Her automatic security system chimed in a lightly accented British voice. The voice was her choice, it reminded her of home. She'd installed the costly security system a cycle ago, as per Janice's recommendation. In the past Christy would constantly forget to close her door before going to bed. A bad habit left over from university days; her roommate had always been the one who locked up back then.

Unfortunately, despite the reassurance of security, her apartment didn't really feel safe now. She'd after all locked herself in with a wolf.

Granted, she was maybe being a uncharitable. After all, Mr. Humack had never given her the vibe that he was a killer or anything just as disconcerting. Her unease proably stemmed more from the fact that it was just strange to have him inside her apartment rather than him being a threat to her. She was so accustomed to seeing her boss only at work that it felt wrong somehow to have him in her personal space.

She could see him glancing around at her modest apartment from the corner of her eye and her nervousness heightened. This felt way too intimate. It had questions floating around in her head like: Did he like her apartment? Did he think she had taste? And what the frack did she care what he thought?

For a good moment he just stood there, silent, and that made the knot in her stomach grow bigger.

She moved to rest her belongings on the small floating platform that doubled as a coffee table and her desk. She turned to him, trying for a polite smile that she was very certain came off as a cringe.

"Um... So...this is my home." Was that her voice? So low and coarse. She cleared her throat.


The fake smile froze on her face. What an asshole.

He seemed to not be picking up on the hostility that started to slowly seep from her person because of that one word. It wasn't just the word, but the way he said it, as if she was dense. So now he was back to offending her? The sick girl? And no, she was not above using that card at the moment.

Instead, he just stood there staring at the oversized old T-shirt she'd left on her sitting chair's arm a few rotations ago.

It took everything in her not to dive for the faded number riddled with holes and shove it behind her, or stuff it under the chair cushion just so he could stop staring at it. Instead, she left it there because this was her home first and foremost. If he found her space not to his liking and her clothes offensive then he was welcome to bring her somewhere else, and he would definitely be paying for it.

Goddess, what had she been thinking bringing him into her apartment? She should've suggested he rented a motel to stay at or something, until she figured out if she wanted him to impale her with his manhood to save her life or not. Sadly, when under stress rationality was never her strong point, unless it was work related. She tended to have more control over her work life than she did her personal one, hence why she did not have much of a personal life. And hence why she now had a seven food alien in her apartment instead of a motel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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