Chapter 10

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*sigh* I know, I know... The wait was pretty long this time...😞. But I come bearing a gift, look! a new chapter? Do you forgive me?

Note: chapter not edited (the equivalent of not wrapping the gift. Lol. Was in a hurry to get it to you guys.)


"This is all his fault..." Janice said repetitively between every other hiccupped wail she bawled out. It wasn't doing much for Christy's headache.

Goddess and that annoying beeping sound was just torture!

"He knew all along..." sob, sob, sob, hiccup. "I understand if he hadn't realized what he was doing at the time," sob, hiccup, "but after he saw the signs he knew what the outcome would be- he knew it would only be a matter of time before you fell ill!" Wail.

Christy laid there listening to her friend cry while trying to talk a mile a minute. Janice's words were a mess of jumbled emotions that made no sense to Christy--- and she couldn't do a thing about it, unable to move or speak, or open her eyes. Christy had no idea what Janice was going on about. None of her ramblings was giving her a clear picture, much like if she'd just walked in on a conversation and had missed more than half of it.

Who knew what? What signs? No sense at all.

Christy's brain was too tired and she felt too lethargic and weak to try and puzzle out what exactly was going on or what Janice was trying to tell her, all she wanted to do was lie here in peace.

But peace she would not get, not yet. She had no choice but to listen. It wasn't like she could go anywhere.

"He doesn't want to help you, Chris." Hands tightened on Christy's limp fingers. "But don't you worry, I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. I'll force him to accept you if I have to."

Janice whimpered. "Oh gods, you're so pale. I should've said something... I'm to blame as much as he is. I thought that if you didn't know what was happening it wouldn't affect you too badly until it wears off. It seems the attachment was stronger than I thought."

What the heck was she talking about? If only she could get her tongue and lips to move then she could put an end to what sounded like a mini confession.

A door reopened somewhere, a long pause, then it closed.

"How is she?" Someone asked Janice.

Who was that? What was it with people coming in and out of her room so often?

"She's stable... for now. That's what the doctor-- Ereeka said. She said there is a lot of strong brain activity going on, which is good. Christy might become conscious soon."

"Hmm. We both know stability is relative in her condition. She's already so very pale."

Some shuffling and a sniffle then Janice's fingers slipped away.

Some squeaking as if someone was moving on plastic.

"Ms. G, he knew, or at least suspected. He knew and he let it get to this point. He waited until she fainted."

A soft sigh came from the other side of the room. "Navin tends to not see things that do not relate to business until it is right in his face. I will speak to him about this. His greed had put this poor girl in a coma... it is only right he answers for his actions."

A soft hand rested on Christy's cheeks. The touch was so cold, if she had control over her body she would've shivered, or moved away.

"She is so pale... Almost deathly." The woman, it sounded like a woman, said sympathetically. Christy assumed that was what sympathy sounded like.

An Alien's LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang