3-Paris: part 1

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A couple days later I was getting ready to leave when there was a knock at the door. I open the door to find a man standing there in a nice black suit. "Ms. Miller?" He asks.

"Yes, can I help you?"

"Mr. Matthews sent for me to pick you up and bring you to the airport, are you ready to leave?"

"Yes but I had a ride coming."

"Call and cancel the ride, he insists that I bring you."

I sigh and grab my phone to cancel the cab. I don't understand why he keeps persisting that I can't get my own rides. I wonder if he was this way with his other personal assistant.

I walk outside with him and he has a limo outside waiting for me. My mouth drops. He opens the door for me to get in and Mr. Matthews is inside on a phone call.

"Was this really necessary?" I ask him as I'm shocked to see him inside.

He hangs up the phone. "You do have your passport?" He asks.

I nod "Of course."

"I've never been in a limo before." I tell him nervously but excited.

He pours me a glass of champagne. "Isn't it a little early to be drinking?" I ask.

"Just enjoy the short ride will you?" He says stearnly.

What I've learned is to be quiet and do as he says, I don't need to piss him off especially since I'll be stuck in Paris with him for the next few days.

We pull up to the airport and they bring us to his private plane. I walk in the plane and was amazed. It looks nothing like what I've been in before. There's a couch, bed, TV, chairs, kitchen you name it, just like a camper but in an airplane and way nicer.

"This is nicer than my apartment!" I say excitedly.

I sit down and relax waiting for them to take off. Once in the air he told me I was free to roam around. I got up to check everything out. I walk to the back of the plane to where the bed was and looked at all the photos that were on the wall.

Must be his family I say quietly. I turn around and I bump into him. "Oh." I yelp. "Sorry I wasn't expecting you behind me."

"What do you think?" He asks

"Nice, very nice. Must be rough owning your own plane and have a set up like this, just take off and go anywhere and whenever you'd like."

"It's a lot of maintenance. I just came back here to see if you were hungry. They have the food done."

I go back to sit and see that they have belgium waffles made with strawberries and whip cream. "Looks good." I say with a smile.

After we eat all the excitement hit and I fell asleep. He wakes me up as were about to land "Wow I slept that long?"

"You're going to be up all night." He says to me. I look out the window and see all the lights "Just beautiful." I say in awe.

"What time is it here? About midnight?" I ask. "It will be soon." He says.

We land and check into our hotel. They were happy to see him "Let me guess, you own this as well." He just looked at me and smiled.

We get to his room, "Where's my room?" I ask confused as he's opening the door to his room. He looks at me, "You'll be staying in my suite." He says.

I shake my head "Oh no, I'll need my own room." I say to him as I take a step back.

"This room is big enough for the both of us, plenty of room to sleep." He says standing with the door open. "Now get your ass in here." He demands.

Falling for my Asshole BossHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin