29-A shocking surprise

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Levi POV:

"Did I just hear you correctly?" I ask her confused but relieved.

"Well.. I'm not happy that you got me pregnant on purpose, but when you had gotten me to take the test I had kind of hoped I was, I wasn't ready to be a mom, but who really is?" She says quietly and then pauses. "Yes I'm hurt that you tricked me, you didn't need to trick me like that, and you didn't need to do that so that I would be yours either. That means you didn't trust me, or you're just as insecure as I was."

I lean my forehead against hers "Sorry." I whispered to her then placing a soft kiss on her lips. I roll off of her thinking. "I guess I was, after McKenna left I was lost, I thought I was a terrible person that had made her want to leave. I hated myself for a long time. Then you came along, changed my whole world, and I didn't want you going anywhere."

She rolled to her side placing her arm around me. "I tried hard not to fall for you, but here I am, and I'm not going anywhere, I have to admit I enjoyed you chasing me around. Never have I seen anyone try so hard for someone as you did with me."

"You were difficult, stubborn, hardheaded, a smartass and it made me want you even more." I smile rolling on top of her kissing her hard, I slide my hand down below placing my finger inside her. I groan when I feel how wet she is "Wow, you're so wet already."

I pull her nightgown off, and start massaging her growing breasts, kissing her all over making her moan as I place a kiss on her soft spot behind her ear. Taking my bottoms off and too excited for foreplay, I take her legs and rest them on my shoulders thrusting inside her deep. She moans my name everytime I hit her spot after each deep thrust.

Pushing her arms behind her head and holding onto them as I thrust in her deeply.

I thrust in her faster a few more times, I can feel her tightening up around my shaft and can tell she is reaching her peak, we then let out our releases together. I lower her legs still remaining inside of her, she grabs my head pulling me hard to her lips. Hungrily kissing each other. "I'm sorry it was so quick, I was a little too excited." I spoke in her mouth.

I pull out and roll over on my back catching my breath."It's OK, I'm tired anyways." She says snuggling onto my chest and quickly falling asleep as I softly stroke her back and arm. Feeling relieved that I got everything off of my chest. It was really starting to lay heavy on me not telling her what I had done.

I hold her tighter kissing the top of her head and I was finally able to fall asleep.


Alexis POV:

A few months later we had a doctors appointment as my sickness was getting worse with the pregnancy. I wasn't able to keep anything down, so I was asked to come in for tests and an ultrasound.

Levi and I were waiting in the waiting room for quite a while, and had finally got called back. They had me slip into a gown and they started to do their exam and draw some blood. They had me get dressed again before the doctor came.

The doctor finally came in so he could do the ultrasound. Levi stood there holding my hand as the doctor placed that gel on my stomach to start the ultrasound. "Oh that's cold." I squirmed a little. He placed the wand on my stomach and started moving it around typing in notes as he goes along.

The doctor stops and shows us what was on the screen. "Looks like two heads." Levi says.

The doctor chuckles. "That's because you are having twins."

"Twins?" I say in shock?

"Here is the 3D version, you can see them better here." The doctor says.

Falling for my Asshole BossOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora