7-Finally opened the doors

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"Why are you taking me to your house?" I ask nervously.

"Relax, I just want to talk to you, I think we need to get some things straightened out between us." He says

I sit back in my seat and I just keep my mouth shut. He sets his hand on my leg sending goosebumps all over my body. "Don't touch me." He looks over at me "Are we going to start this again?" He asks disappointed.

I don't say anything as I still have a pounding headache from the night before, and I'm in no mood to argue. As we pull up to a nice house my mouth drops. I hurry and close my mouth before he could see my expression and get a joy out of it.

"So why exactly did we have to come here? We could have gone anywhere, we could have went to my place, a bar, somewhere else other than here." I snap.

"What's the difference if we went to your place or mine? I just figured we would go somewhere where we wouldn't be bothered. One thing for sure is we need to work out the tension between us." He says.

"What tension?" I mumble. He looks at me confused. "What did you say? I didn't quite hear that." I look at him "Nothing.. I was trying to say I have a really bad headache."

He opens the door and lets me in. Wow, what a nice house I think to myself. He walks into the kitchen and grabs a bottle from the cupboard, handing me a couple pills. "Some Tylenol for your headache, or would you prefer advil?" I grab them from his hand "No, this will be fine... thank you." I say quietly as he hands me a glass of water.

"Alexis, I just want to start off I know we started off on the wrong foot, we've been at each other ever since we met, and I've tried to be nicer towards you and you keep putting a wall up between us. Everytime I think it's going great you put that block up and you start with the attitude."

I stand there looking at him feeling guilty knowing that it's true, the man is damn good looking, as much as I would like to get to know him better I just can't let that happen. The way he makes me feel, I just have no control over my feelings for him.

"Mr. Matthews, or Levi, you're my boss. We can't have anything more between us." I say firmly looking into his eyes. "I thank you for the wonderful memorable trip in Paris, and for getting that jerk off of me earlier, but there just can't be anything more than that."

"Why are you lying to yourself?" He asks frustrated. I let out a soft chuckle "I'm not lying to myself, I'm being true to myself. You're my boss." I sigh

"Arghhh... Dammit Alexis, why do you have to be so damn stubborn?" He yells standing with his hands on his kitchen island putting his head down. "There will be a cook here in about 15 minutes, We can discuss the rest of this over dinner." He says feeling defeated.

"Can't you just take me home?" I ask softly looking away. He looks up at me "I'll bring you home after we talk."

"There's nothing more to say." I huff. He groans in disappointment and starts walking towards me. He grabs a hold of my hand, come here. My heart starts to race as he pulls me close to him. He leans down to kiss me and I turn my head, he curls his finger under my chin pulling it towards him and places a kiss on my lips.

His kiss is so soft and passionate. He pulls back as I keep my eyes closed "You know you don't hide it very well." I open my eyes "Hide what?" I whisper. "Your kiss says it all." He smiles placing another kiss on my lips until we were interrupted by his cook.

"Oh excuse me, I didn't know you had a guest with. Nice to meet you ma'am, sorry to bother you two." The cook says blushing. Levi chuckles "You're fine Mrs. Meyers, this here is Alexis Miller." She shakes my hand "Nice to meet you."

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