23-She's the one

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Levi POV:

"I know we haven't been together long-" I start to say when Alexis gets up running to the bathroom. I get up to go check on her. I walk in the bathroom, and she is resting her head on her arms kneeling by the toilet.

I walk over to her sitting down next to her I start rubbing her back "Are you OK?"

"Uhuh. Just felt a little nauseous that's all, I'm OK now." She says turning her head to face me.

She closes the lid on the seat and stood up, I got a little concerned when I looked at her "You look really pale, are you sure you're ok?" She shakes her head yes, walking over to the sink, She runs some cold water, getting her hands wet splashes her face. I walk over to her and pick her up carrying her bridal style back to the bed laying her down.

I lean down and kiss her forehead, "You must need some rest." I say to her pulling the sheet up over her. I walk around the bed and climb in sliding my arm under her, she lifts her head up to lay on my chest.

"Something didn't agree with me, or it's just all the excitement of being here." She says quietly as I softly stroke her hair getting my fingers tangled. "You were saying something before I had to go running to the bathroom, what were you trying to say?"

"Just close your eyes and get some rest." I say holding her tight kissing the top of her head. I lay there thinking about what she ate, she couldn't be pregnant yet since it has only been a couple weeks since I forgot to use protection. But I guess I wouldn't know for sure.

For the next few days I brought her all over Venice as well as Florence. Just seeing her expressions and smiles everywhere I took her just warmed my heart. She has the most wonderful smile I have ever seen.

This morning I lay in bed watching her sleep wondering where she has been all these years. Wishing I had met her sooner, I feel like one of the luckiest guys in the world to have her in my life, and I'll be damned to ever let her go.

It's our last night in Venice, I have it all set up to take her out on a gondola ride in the canal around sunset, hoping to make it one of her best and memorial nights of her life.

"I'll be right back, I need to go take care of something quick." I tell her as I woke her up. "I thought you weren't working?" She asks still tired. "I'm not, I just have to do a couple things before we leave in the morning. I Promise I shouldn't be long. Get some more rest if you would like." I tell her kissing her lips.

Alexis POV:

I roll over in bed after Levi left trying to get in a few more minutes of sleep. This week has been so incredible and amazing that I really don't want to leave in the morning.

I decide to get up and take a shower, not really sure what we are doing today since we pretty much have gone everywhere already. While I'm in the shower I thought I heard the door close, hopefully it's Levi. "Hello?" I peek my head out calling out for a response.

I didn't hear anyone say anything and I start getting a little nervous. I dropped the soap, as I was bending down to pick it up my heart stopped when someone climbed in the shower with me. I jumped up and nearly screamed when I seen it was Levi laughing.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He says with a devilish grin.

"You scared the shit out of me, I thought someone else was in here, especially when you didn't respond back!"

He laughs then cups his hand behind my head pulling me to his lips planting a hard kiss. I granted his tongue access, so demanding making my inner core throb, I start to moan softly as his hand slides in between my thighs.

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