22-Your choice

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"Go pack your bags, I'm going to be bringing you on a little trip." He whispers in my ear.

My eyes get wide, I step back to look at him. "Where are we going?" I ask confused. He starts to grin and kisses my lips. "Well I'm going to give you an option." He says with his arms around my waist, and fingers clasped together.

"OK?" My heart then starts to race as I look in those gorgeous green eyes of his. "What are the options?" I nervously ask.

"Well... I had a feeling that you were bummed that you weren't able to go to Venice, and Sandy had mentioned you always wanted to go there." I nod my head. "Another option I thought about was Bora Bora, or Fiji, somewhere warmer." He says with a smile. "Unless there is somewhere else that you would like to go?"

"What about work?"

"Sandy has you covered and I already switched all my appointments this morning."

"That's a tough one to decide." I smile. "I think-" I pause thinking for a moment.

"I think I'll choose Venice."

Levi smiles picking me up and carrying me over his shoulder to the bedroom. I screeched a little and then laughed as he brought me in the bedroom smacking my butt, setting me down I looked over at the bed, it was completely stripped down to the mattress.

"What did you do with the sheets?"

"I threw them away after what happened. I have some new ones that will be put on while we're gone."

I jump on him wrapping my legs around him giving him a kiss. "Sorry I ever doubted you." I say as I kiss him.

We fall down on the bed, as his lips meet mine, he hungrily kisses me, sliding his hand up my shirt and massaging my breast. Making me moan in his mouth, he then starts to groan, "We have to hurry up and pack, we can always finish this on the plane." He says grinning, making me chuckle.

Levi makes a phone call to his pilot getting it all set up to fly out to Venice, while I hurry and pack. I'm so excited I could just scream right now, I think to myself, smiling the whole time I was packing.

On our way to the airport I looked over at Levi "So this is why Sandy told us to have fun." I say with a big grin on my face. He cupped my face placing a kiss on my lips. "I figured you needed a getaway from here for a few days after everything that has gone on, I just wanted to show you how much that I love you, and just wanted to spend alone time with you, with no work involved."

"I appreciate that, but you didn't have to take me anywhere, we could have just locked ourselves in the house and turned our phones off." I say with a chuckle. "But I'll take this vacation too." I say as I press my lips hard against his.

Pulling up to his private plane my heart starts to pound with excitement. "I have always wanted to go to Italy since I was a little girl, and I cannot believe I am actually going there." I say to Levi excited. "You're very welcome." He says as he helps me out of the car.

Once we were midair and could roam around I went over and sat on Levi's lap "What are we going to do for the next nine hours? I ask leaning my head back on his shoulder. "Well I can think of plenty of things to do." He laughs as he places his hands on my breasts. I seat his hands "You can wait." I chuckle.

I place my hand on his face turning to face him I place my lips on his. "Are you hungry at all?" He asks.

"Not really, I'm thirsty though." I move off of Levi's lap to look for something to drink and found a bottle of red wine. "Can I have some of this?" I ask holding the bottle up. He laughs, "Of course you can." Levi stands up walking towards me, he pulls out the wine opener and opens the bottle of wine, pouring us each a glass.

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