11-Jealousy hits

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Levi POV:

Leaning back in my chair staring out the window, I gaze at the bright blue sky. Thinking about Alexis and what she is doing to me, I don't know what else to do with her. I don't even know what to say to her anymore. I have tried everything. She's just so damn stubborn. I hear the door shut and hoping it's Alexis, my heart starts to pound that I can hear it.

"Hello Levi."

I hear a familiar voice and it's not who I was hoping for. I turn around quickly.
"Mckenna... What are you doing here?" I say in shock. I stand up walking around my desk giving her a hug. "You look good." I tell her as I stand there looking her up and down. "I'd say the same about you, but honestly you look like shit." She tells me.

"I had a little bit of a bad weekend." I sigh walking towards the window. "What are you doing here anyways?" She walks up behind me wrapping her arms around me "I've been missing you, you promised you would come visit me and yet you haven't. I'm also in town for a couple weeks for a photo shoot. Thought maybe we could get some lunch or posssibly dinner?"

She starts to kiss the back of my neck bringing back old times. "McKenna please stop." I say in a low tone. "What's wrong? Are you seeing someone new?" I take a deep breath thinking of Alexis, "I thought I was, but I'm unsure what's going on right now." She nibbles on the bottom of my ear lobe "Let's go grab some lunch and we can talk." She whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps up my arms as I feel her breathe on me.

"I don't know Kenna.." I tell her thinking of Alexis. "Just lunch and to catch up, it's been what 6 months now?" She begs. I think about what Alexis is going to think... Maybe if she see's me with her it will get her to come running to me. "Levi? Earth to Levi.." I turn around "Alright, let's go." She smiles wide "Perfect, I was hoping you would say yes." She says excited.

We walk out of the office, as I walk past Alexis I can see out of the corner of my eye that she is glaring at me. I just kept walking not looking at her and kept a straight face. Hoping that this doesn't backfire on me.

I follow behind Kenna going in the elevator. As the doors close she stands facing me "How about a kiss like old times." She says as she's adjusting my tie. I put my hand on hers to stop her. "Like I said I have someone in my life."

"You also said that you didn't know either." She says as she backs up. We walk towards my car, "Where are we going." I ask her as I unlock the doors letting her in.

"Never mind I'll just bring you to my Italian restaurant, we can talk there."

When we walk in the restaurant the workers were surprised to see her there with me. They took our order and left us alone.

"I take it you take your little girlfriend here." I look at her questioning what she said. "Why do you say that." She snickers "Because of the way everyone looked at us."

"So who's your girlfriend?" She asks drinking her water. "Nobody you know." I tell her not wanting her to know.

"Look Kenna, we broke up a while ago, you left to pursue your career, there is no us anymore. This is how you wanted it."

"But now I want you back, I've missed you so much, I didn't think I would, it's been hard on me." She says as she tries to grab my hand and I pull it away from her.

"I did what you asked and let you be, I moved on with my life, as should you."

"Well here's where I'll be if you change your mind." She says as she slides me over a business card with addresses and phone numbers on the back.

After were done eating lunch and had some time to talk I look at my watch "Fuck I have to get back, I have a meeting in 20 minutes."

We head out and as I opened the door to let her in she grabbed my face and kissed me.

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