⚡💍Chapter - 6💍⚡

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I stood infront of the Starlight Colligate Institute where the was a fall festival. Everything was decorated beautifully and the students were doing an excellent job in welcoming new students.

The school staffs were not with me as they were already spread out in the festival so that it won't look suspicious.

I walked towards the school's field where I saw various sports taking place. There was also some bake sales inside the school hallway.

I went inside the school hallway and began to walk towards the classrooms. I noticed a small little girl running down the hallway and running towards the library.

She was wearing a beautiful red dress and had her hair tried in a pony tail. She seamed lost as she began to run towards the library.

What was a little girl like her doing in this place?

I made my way towards her when I noticed her opening the library door.

She went inside the library and I followed her there as well.

I went inside the library and noticed how huge it was but nobody seamed to be there. Not even a library teacher.

Other classes had atleast some people in it, but the library seamed empty.

The big bookshelves seamed like nobody had ever touched them. I noticed the little girl running around the bookselves. She seamed to be searching for something.

"Mr. Bunny, where are you?" she asked as she ran to another row.

Mr. Bunny?

She was probably searching for her pet or soft toy then.

I went near a shelf and pulled out a book. It was very clean and not even dusty.


Nobody seamed to come to this library so shouldn't it mean that the books would be covered in dust? But the books looked, very clean.

I was going to open the book when suddenly I heard a scream.

I ran towards the row that the little girl took and saw the little girl was lying on the floor while some books were on top off her trapping her down.

I ran to her and was going to pull out the books when I noticed the huge bookshelf beside her tilting and was falling toward us.

The little girl screamed.

I quickly stood on the floor and grabbed hold on the edges and the books so that it won't fall on the little girl. However, some books did fall on my arms, making my arms swollen. My fingers got hit by the edges if the bookshelf which was made of steel so my finger on my right arm got a cut and began to bleed.

I needed to push the bookshelf so it won't hit either me or the little girl but the bookshelf was darn heavy.

I used more forced and pushed the bookshelf backward, making it stand on its place again.

I sighed in relief.

Suddenly the library door opened, and as I eyes landed not he person, I was shocked.

"Tyran?" I gasped.

Tyran was standing at the library door, wearing his glasses and a shirt with a tye and a pant.

I wanted to slap myself.

How could I forgot that Tyran was the school teacher in this school?!

Tyran eyes wided as he saw me and this eyes eyes landed on the little girl who looked like she was on the verge of crying.

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