Chapter - 27

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"Yes, Agent Wilson," I said as I made my way towards the parking lot that was near the police station. "I have already explained you the whole things based on the clues that we have so far."

I heard Agent Wilson sighed. "Agent Jade, I hope you do understand that this is a serious matter."

"I do, Agent Wilson and don't worry, I will find the main culprit of this case, soon," I said as I walked towards my car. "We have discovered this far so it shouldn't take us much long to discover the whole truth."

Agent Wilson nodded. "I will be counting on you then, Agent Jade. It is a national case so please be in guard. The criminals are dangerous."

"Yes, Agent Wilson, I will," I said as I reached to my car and opened the driver's seat and sat on it. "I will talk to you later."

"Yes, good night," he said.

"Night," I replied and hung up the phone and held my seat
bealt to put it on.

Just then I heard a loud car noise. I looked so my side and saw a truck was driving towards my car. My eyes wided. In the driver's seat of the truck, I saw the same guy who I met the first day in the library and who shot Ty's mom.

The truck began to drive fast and was going to crashed onto my car. I quickly opened the car's door and jumped out of car as I heard the truck crashing into the car.

I fell on the road, falling over my arms which made my arms burished. I looked back and saw my car on the parking lot, crashed. It's glasses were all shattered and the tires were all broken. The car looked as if it was badly damaged.

I looked at the truck and noticed it driving away. Since I parked my car near the police station, some polices' were rushing towards the parking lot with guns.

I looked at the truck again and began to run towards it. My running speed wasn't good as the truck but it was good. I couldn't let the culprit run away this time. The culprit literally wanted to crash into me.

I was running fast but it wasn't enough. I was falling behind. I saw a person with a motor cycle on the road side and parking. I quickly ran to the person.

"Excuse me, may I borrow your motor cycle?" I asked as I looked back and saw still the trace of the truck.

The person looked at me confusingly.

I pulled out my Agent ID Card and showed him. I didn't care if my identity was exposed to a stranger but I needed to follow the truck.

The person's eyes wided as he nodded.

I grabbed the motorcycle and put on the helmet and began to drive. I increased the speed of the motor cycle as I drove fast.

The truck seamed to be near as I began to catch up to its speed. I was driving very fast. Suddenly from the driver's seat that man began to throw empty cans on the road.

Oh crap!

I focused on driving and began to move the motor cycle in an uneven way to avoide crashing into a can. It could be dangerous if I crashed into a can because I was driving in high speed and in this speed, if I get crashed into a simple empty can, I could loose control over driving and make accident.

I took out my gun from my jeens pocket and fired a warning shot.

The motor cycle speed increased more. "I AM WARNING YOU! STOP DRIVING!" I yelled.

The truck didn't stop. It kept driving faster. The driver kept throwing cans on the road as I kept avoiding the cans.

I used my left hand to drive the motorcycle as I balanced the gun in my right hand and focused on the truck wheal.

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