Chapter - 42

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"So, these are all the information about the imposter? And his actual name is John?" I said as I looked at the folder where all information about the imposter was written down.

"Yes," Inspector Ian said as we walked towards the prison cells.

"Alright, I will go in the cell alone. I don't want anybody else in there," I said as I walked with Inspector Ian.

He nodded. We reached the prison cells where I saw him behind the bars, standing against the wall where his hands and legs were chained. There were two police officers guarding his cell.

Inspector Ian opened the door as I went in the cell with him. I grabbed my gloves and slide it on my hand.

John looked at me. His arms had red burnished marks. He was bending down which meant that he had more wounds on his back and even after all that, he wasn't still spilling any information about the culprit who was behind all that?

"Open his chains," I ordered.

Inspector Ian and other two police officers looked shocked.

I titled my hijab a bit and repeated myself again. "Unchain John," I ordered.

"That might be dangerous," a police officer said. "John tried to hurt us when we opened his chain before-"

"Open the chain and go outside of the cell," I ordered. "I want to have a talk with John."

John looked at me and smirked. "Unless you want to have a serious battle, I don't think you should want that, princess," he licked his lips. "I kick pretty hard and I won't hold back just because you are a woman."

"Good," I said looking at him. "I am not planning to go easy on you, anyways."

"An officer with a gun is trying to battle with a chained criminal? How should I call it fair?" he mocked.

I narrowed my eyes. This guy was going to regret insulting me. But if he wanted this to be his way then, "Fine," I said.

I pulled out my gun and handed over to Inspector Ian. I took off the extra bullet and knives off my pockets and gave it to Inspector Ian, while John kept looking at me, shocked.

"Unchain him and go outside of the cell," I order. "And this time, I am not repeating myself, Inspector Ian."

Inspector Ian nodded and the other two police officers unchained John. The three police officers moved out of the cell.

John stood in front of me, rubbing his cheeks.

"Close the cell door," I ordered.

John looked at me in shock.

"Agent Jade! John is like a beast when he is unchained-"

"Close the cell door, now!" I ordered.

"Sweet," John said licking his lips. "I am going to have fun taking you down, princess."

"We will see about that," I said as I moved my body and positioned it like a karate master. "If you can take me down then I get to realese you from the prison, but if I win, then you are going to split out the name of your boss."

"Sounds good to me," he said as he launched himself towards me.

I flipped over and and did a backhand stand and jumped upside down to cross over him.

I landed behind him and stood again in karate position.

John turned around and saw me behind him.

John ran towards me and threw a punch at me. I used the double hand technique and used my hands in a speed room create stronger force to block his attack.

Then I used my feet and kicked him side ways, right at his knee joint which made him fall on the ground.

He rolled and flipped over and did an air kick in my side, pushing me on the wall.

I slammed on the wall. My forehead scratched onto the wall, creating a small scratch on the side if my forehead.

I didn't move my body though. I stood there still, until I saw him laughing himself towards me when I turned around and did one of the most dangerous move in karate.

I bend my knee and did a knee kick on his chest, right where his heart was, but I lowered down the force so that it can only create an injury not a parment damage.

John fell on the floor and within a few seconds, he was caughing blood.

I pulled John in a standing positing and ounnes him on the wall.

"What . . . did you . . ." he ciaghed as he spit some blood.

I smirk. "That's a knee kick to the heart. This kick can stop blood circulation ina  few seconds and this could have killed you," I said as John looked at me in shock. "But, I didn't to that. I lowered the force so you can be still alone and tell me the name of your boss."

John panted and then laughed. Blood was pouring out of this mouth. "I won't say it."

I sighed. He didn't left me a choice. "Sylvia Helix," I said as he looked at me in shock. "You have heard about that name, didn't you?"

John greeted his teeth. "How did you know?"

"She is your little sister, isn't she?" I smirk, still pinning him in the wall. "Your only weakness."

John's eyes wided. "What did you do to her?!"

"Oh, now you are worried? Because of you, hundreds of students are kidnapped. Thos hundreds of students are also somebody's sisters or brother. You didn't feel bad when you kidnapped them but now when I am talking about your sister, you are worried?!"

"She is only 20!" he yelled.

"And those students who you kidnapped were only 16! Teenagers! They had a life ahead of themselves and you ruined it!" I yelled, slamming my fist on the wall beside him.

John looked scared now.

"You sister is in my office now, chained. My men are holding a gun on her head," I said. "If you don't speak, I won't mind shooting that pretty head of yours."


"Then speak!" I yelled. "What is in the library?! Who is your boss? SPEAK OR ELSE-"

"No! I will tell you," he said. "I will everything."

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