💍⚡Chapter - 21⚡💍

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I sighed as I looked at the clock. It was almost 5 pm and Ty wasn't letting me go home.

I looked at him and saw him sitting on his chair and doing some paper work.

I was sitting alone with a science textbook to read and I had no interest in it. I needed to get home before Ty reach home and take me out for dinner.

"Naila!" Ty snapped as he saw me playing with the pencil.

I quickly sat properly and looked at him. "Yes, Mr. Ishfaq?"

"Are you done reading because I will be quizing you," he said.


Crap! I didn't even read a single page in the textbook.

"So, should I start the quiz-"

"WASHROOM TIME!" I yelled as I got off the seat.

Ty looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Mr. Ishfaq, I need to go to washroom," I said, acting as if it was an emergency.

Ty sighed. "Okay, but be back by 5 minutes."

Yeah, right. Like I would.

I ran out of the classroom and went to the washroom. I needed to ditch Ty. I had to be back home and take off my disguise to be Jess again. Even if I ditch Ty now and leave from school, I couldn't reach home by 6 pm.

Ty was suppose to be home by 6 pm. So, I had to be ready so Ty could take me out for dinner. How was I suppose to reach home in 1 hour? I didn't brought my car with me.

I got out of the washroom and roamed around the hallway of the 2nd floor a bit. Suddenly I saw Inspector Ian going down the staircase.

Right. I could ask Inspector Ian for help since he knew my identity.

I ran downstairs and noticed him going towards the exit of the school.

"Inspector Ian!" I called out.

Inspector Ian looked back and saw me. He turned around and stood straight and salute me. "Agent Jade! My deepest apologies that I didn't saw you."

I reached near him and nodded. "That's okay, Inspector Ian. But, I need a favour."

"Yes, what is it, Agent Jade?" he asked.

"I need you to drive me in my house," I said. "It is important."

"Yes, certainly, Agent Jade," he said. "Please follow me."

I nodded.

I followed him to his car and got on his car's seat. He sat on the driving seat and began to drive after I gave him the address.

As we were on our way towards our house, Inspector Ian was talking about the case.

"Agent Jade, have you received any clues about the culprit yet?" Inspector Ian asked.

"Yes," I said remembering the clues that I found today morning. "I have found a few clues but I need more clues. Those are not enough. But, can you tell me why nobody goes in the library?"

"About that . . ."

"I mean, it is a library. Students are suppose to go there, but it seems like nobody goes there. There is not even a teacher in the library," I said.

"Actually, since the students usually go missing when they go to the library, it built a fear in their mind. Students now call it a hunted library and even the teachers are scared to stay in the library," he said.

"But what could be so bad that happened in the library that students are going missing?" I asked. "The first time I had been to the library, somebody tried to hurt me and a little girl."

I was going to say more when I noticed Inspector Ian bitting his nails from one finger.

He noticed me looking st him and put his finger away. "Sorry, Agent Jade."

"It's okay," I said.

I layed back on the seat and watched Inspector Ian's movement. He was rubbing his neck and his hair. I noticed his finger nails. It seamed like he bit often his nail.

Biting nails . . .

Running hair and neck . . .

These are symptoms of nervousness. I only talked to him about the library and he seamed nervous? But why?

My mind began to feel insecure. As an inspector, taking about cases should be normal for him. But, in his case . . .

I looked at him and noticed a mark near his back of the ear and upper chin.

I was confused.

What was that mark? It didn't look like he got the mark from any violence.

I didn't know if I was thinking too much but, I didn't wanted to trust him. Not now.

My instics might be wrong but I couldn't take a chance.

I noticed that we reached our house. Inspector Ian stopped the car and I got off the car.

"Thank you, Inspector Ian," I said and waved at him. "See you, tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow," he saw and drive away.

I began to walk towards our house but I was still thinking about the clues.

I shook my head. I looked at the time and noticed it was 5:45 pm. I had to get change and dress as Jess.

I suddenly felt an excitement building in my heart. I didn't know what it was but I definetly missed the Ty, who was my childhood friend, the entire morning.

Since morning, I saw Ty as a teacher but right now, I just couldn't wait to see the sweet side of him again.

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