⚡💍Chapter - 7💍⚡

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I stormed into my room and slammed my fist on the wall.

How could this happen?

I went near the dressing table and opened my hijab and put it over there. Then I laid on the bed as I ran my fingers down my hair.

Memories of today ran into me. I remembered how there was a gun shot.

Tyran's mom . . .

I remembered how his mom ran towards me and took the bullet shot that was suppose to hit me.

My fingers ran down my bullet jacket that was under my top. If only she knew that I was wearing a bullet jacket then she wouldn't have jumped into this.

I wanted to slap myself. It was all my fault. How could I let this happen?

I remembered how after she lost consciousness, I called 911 and an ambulance and the police officers came over there. The ambulance took her to the hospital while I had told them not to expose the matter to the media as it can lead to more problems.

Tyran and his family members were in the hospital waiting outside of the operation room. My parents were also there, trying to be emotional supporters.

Only I didn't went to the hospital. Why? Because I didn't know how to face her.

I remembered the promise that she was asking for. She wanted me to marry Tyran even when she found out that I am an agent and that if I get married to Tyran then he was going to be in problem.


I didn't get her logic. I never even seen her before and when she was telling me those words, it seamed like she knew me.

And then . . .

How could I marry Tyran? I had only met him for a few hours. That's it.

I took the stuff toy that was on my bed and threw it out of the room in frustration.

"Jess?" I heard Sarah said as I turned to the door and noticed her standing there.

I looked away and flipped on my stomach on the bed.

"Jess, what's wrong?" she asked as she sat in the bed.

I sighed.

"Come on, tell me," she poked my belly.

I sighed. "Sis, you know Tyran's mom?"

"A-huh?" she said as she laid on the bed beside me.

"She got shot because of me," I said as she looked at me, confused. "Actually, I got a mission-"

I remembered Agent Wilson's words.

What was I doing? The more I tell about this to people, the more likely they were going to face danger because the criminals might track them.

"You got a mission?" she asked.

"Yeah, I got a mission," I said trying not to expose any details. "And today, I was shooting because of that and then Tyran's mom saw me and she somehow got shot. She knows my secret identity, sis, and then she asked me to marry Tyran before she became unconcious. How could she do that? I didn't even knew Tyran properly yet."

Sarah ran her fingers on my hair. "She knows you. Tyran's mom and dad both knows you, very well."

I stared at Sarah in shock. "What do you mean?"

"Tyran's dad, Mr. Ishfaq is an army officer. He has many enemies. Usually he is always out in missions. His all kids learned self defence-"

"His all kids? How many kids does he have?" I asked.

"Um . . ." Sarah took out her finger to count. "A total of 8?"

I stared at her in shock.

8 kids? How did Tyrans mom even survived that many child births?

Sarah continued. "So all the 7 kids, my bad, the 5 older man and woman, had learned self defence and 2 little kids are still learning self defence, so that if they get engage with any attacks then they can handle themselves, however, Tyran believes in peace and he never learned any form of any self defence."

"So? Nothing is not wrong with having a believe in peace," I said.

"I know but that is not the case here. Tyran have faced many attacks from criminals so far. There was always his dad who would keep an eye on him which is why he is still okay, however, this September, his dad is getting transferred to another country for a mission so he can't keep an eye on him. That is the reason why his dad and mom wanted him to get married with somebody who is strong enough to protect him," she explained.

I listened to her carefully.

"The reason why Tyran kept denying all the marriage interview that he went so far is because the woman is either a police officer or is in army and since Tyran hate fights, he didn't like any of those women. But then, one day, his dad came to our house to spend some time with our dad since him and our dad are friends. He saw a medal of yours hanging on the wall in the living room. When he saw the name written behind the medal, he was shocked because the medal was written under Agent Jade's name. He asked dad about this and dad could not lie so he told Tyran's dad about you. Tyran's dad told though that since you do work in undercover, Tyran wouldn't find out about you.  Plus, you are strong and know self-defense so you could protect him. That is why he decided that you should give a try with Tyran in marriage and dad agreed since he want you to get married in a nice family with a nice guy."

I was shocked. I couldn't believe my ears. "Wow, this is about my own marriage and about my own life and I don't even know anything about this?!" I yelled.

I was pissed.

So basically, his parents wanted me to marry him to protect him? But what about me? Did they ever thought that how would I feel if I get to know about their srupid deal? Or what would happen when Tyran finds out about this?

"Dad didn't want you to think that you are only getting married for that reason so that is why nobody told you about this. Even I was not suppose to tell you, but, I just thought that you should know about this," Sarah said. "It is also one of the reason why you just met Tyran directly because eveybody in his family already knew about you. Like, nobody knew that you are an agent but eveybody knew how you look like."

That's was the reason then that Tyran's mom said that . . .

"You hid everything from us."

Her words rang in my head. So, she didn't knew and when she got to know she wanted me to protect his son by marrying him and being with him for 24 hours.

I grabbed a pillow and snuggled on to the pillow. It was too much to think off.

"Jess, I am sorry-"

"Please sis, can you leave me alone?" I asked.

I needed time to understand the whole thing.

Sarah sighed. "I just want you know the truth before you make a decision about your marriage. Plus, Tyran's mom . . ." she took a deep breathe. "If something happens to her then can you forgive yourself for that?"

I didn't know the  answer.

I just didn't  knew.

I hope she was fine. She needed to be okay. She couldn't dumb the marriage thing on me like this when the truth behind the marriage is not love, rather it was just a deal to protect her son.

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