Chapter - 24

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I yawned 5th time today in my biology class. I watched Ty teaching biology in the class and rubbed my eyes.

Goodness! This was so boring!

Biology wasn't my favourite subject and I always was bad at it. Having biology again was even worse.

I looked at my notebook and begin to think of the incidents that happened this week. So far I haven't discovered something big about the case but I did got some clues.

First, it was about the shoe print that I found on the pipe near the window beside the library. It was 11 inch.

Secondly, the shoe print was muddy, meaning the person who came to the library from climbing the pipe had came from the wood area that was behind the school.

Thirdly, the mark on Inspector Ian's neck.

Three clues but how are these clues even connected?

I looked at Ty and noticed him still teaching. Memories of a few days ago flashed into my brain. It had been a week since I told him one of my deepest secret.

My cheeks turned red as I remembered how I jumped on him, how we watched the starts together, and how I was sharing my past with him.

It was like day by day, I was getting more closer to him. It had been only a month and 3 weeks since we got married and I was already feeling so self concious around him.

I knew Ty like me, but, my feelings for him was only as a friend. Although, now a day, I had been feeling so much different around him.

It was like I was aware of my hair style or dressing style around Ty. I wanted to have my hair done nicely when I was with Ty. I wanted to look nice when I was with Ty. It was such strange feeling. It was as if, I wanted him to pay attention to me.

I blushed in my own thought and slapped my cheeks lightly.

Just, what was I thinking?

My eyes fell on Ty again. I was seating in the corner seat where I see a perfect view of Ty, wearing his blue shirt and a neck tie. His hair was a bit messy, which made me smile remembering that he woke late today and forgot to comb his hair. His blue eyes looked beautiful with his glasses. I just wanted to seat there and admire his look.

I was getting so drawn by him. I found myself staring at him until I heard a slam on the teacher's table.

I rubbed my eyes to focus mg attention to the class and noticed it was Ty who slamed his fist on the table.

"Naila!" he said, coldly.

I sighed. I definetly didn't like this teacher mode of him. He was always so sweet with me when I was in my usual Jess form.

I stood from the seat and said, "Yes, Mr. Ishfaq."

"Were you paying attention to the lesson, Naila?" he asked.

I nodded. "Of course, Mr. Ishfaq," I lied.

"Well, then tell me, which artery is largest artery in a human body?" he asked.

I froze. Oh crap! What the heck was the artery thingie? I don't even remember a so for thing from my own highschool life.

"Come on, Nalia," he said. "This is an easy question."

"Um . . ." I didn't know what to say.

Suddenly there was a knock in the door and I sighed in relief.

I sat in the chair as a female teacher entered the room.

"Hello Ms. Minter," some students greeted her.

She smiled. She was popular amongst students.

"Good morning, Ms. Minter," Ty said.

"Hello, Mr. Ishfaq," she smiled. "Did you told the class about the field trip yet?"

"Oh, totally forgot," he smiled. "Thank you for reminding me."

She laughed. "Oh well, that's what I am here for, right?"

Ty laughed with her.

I could hear some whisper from around.

"See, Ms. Minter totally have a thing for Mr. Ishfaq," I heard a student say.

"Oh, if they date then they would look perfect," abother student said.

I didn't know why, but it felt so uncomfortable. I watched Ty talking to her and laughing. It was just a friendly gesture, but, I just didn't wanted him to be this free with somebody other than . . .

I felt a tightness in my chest.

What was this feeling? I had never felt like this.

I just wanted to be only person who would see this sweet side of Ty. I didn't wanted others to find him the same.

I didn't know what it was, but, I didn't like the way she was laughing and talking to Ty. Even if it was just a small talk, why was it making me feel like this.

I heard Ty saying, "Class, as I have mentioned in the beginning of our school that we are going to go on a field trip so we are planning to to got the field trip in day after tomorrow. We are going to go on the school bus to all the way to the hotel. The hotel is already book and as I have mentioned before, we will be staying there for 3 days so make sure to lack your things. We will be doing a research in the laboratory near by."

The students cheered. I sighed. I wants interested in the field trip, rather I was too focused on the feelings that I was having in my mind about Ty.

I noticed Ty staring at me. The way he was gazing at me made me remembered how I jumped on him.

I blushed and looked away which made Ty confused.

Gahhh! I can't even face Ty properly! Why did I had to be so stupid to jump on him like that?

I peeked again at him and noticed him writting down on some papers. A smile spread on my cheeks.

I just wanted to watch Ty all day. Watch what he was doing and who he was hanging with. I wanted to know everything about him.

I realized what I was thinking and sighed.

I sounded like a stalker.

But, I wonder . . . why I was feeling these strange feelings for Ty for a few days . . .

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