My first time on a train

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This name. Seriously, what's so fascinating about him? Recently I heard a lot, noo, I only heard about him and nothing else! Why? Because he has a place where I can stay and try out myself, chase my dreams, built up a new life with a good folk watching over me, right? Screw him.
   I cried so much these days, and I feel I could cry in any minute just by thinking about literally anything, because I'm on a train. Which firstly means  that I've just left. This whole moving away, and starting a new life came so suddenly, like a hurricane or a life threatening disease, I couldn't even resist. Just like the cyclone in which Dorothy was caught up and blew far-far away from her home. Sadly I don't have a dog as my sidekick.
   Secondly I can't cry, especially on my first time on a train! I always loved trains, however I didn't often travel with them. But that's beside my point. Priest Joseph couldn't convince me about the greatness of leaving home.


   I was forced to leave my first home, they destroyed it in fact. Killed it, and burned it like human life was nothing to them. Sadly as time passed I could get a glimpse of this cruel power of immortality which I am cursed with.
And the second? I left it by my own will! My safeplace! It looks like I'm writing out of rage nevertheless I'm quite calm. I'm still in my frozen time.
   Once I explaned it to Priest Joseph. Every living thing is changing, developing but I'm not. I'm stuck. Which means there's no point for existing.
Then he looked into my eyes and said:
- I gave up the idea of having a family, raising children and growing old next to my partner and instead I chose the people of God as my family. Probably it was the biggest choise I've ever made in my life. You see. Now I have a girl who found shelter in my house. Now I have a chance to be a parent, even if you don't see me as a father figure. That's alright, Hannah, that's alright. But do you really think this is a coisidence? I helped the victims of your kind and now I have to help you, and I love you as I would my own daughter. Do you think that it's just a simple coisidence? You think your existence is pointless when you gave me more than I could thank you?

He's right, I can keep on my way of living by knowing at least I help one person with it.
   But the most frustrating thing is that with all his love he sent me away and I don't have red, shining shoes to get back to Kansas at any time. There is only going to be me caught up in the cyclone and Kazimier.
 A stranger watching over me.

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