First clue to my murderer

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2018. February 26.

   I arrived just before the end of the mass, and found Max in the corner standing. I went up to him slowly, watching his expression while he was listening to the priest. Does he really belive in God? Does he want to do any harm to me? Would he kill me right away? Has he ever killed someone?
These questions were popping up in my head, making me so insecure and frigjhend as ever. But eventually I approached him from behind and whispered his name.
- Hello, Max.
- Hannah. - he looked over his shoulder. - I was waiting for you. I hoped, you'll come. - Max said, while people were passing by, and going home instead of talking to one of the potential guys who was my parent's coworker and also the one who can decide to wether kill me or not.
- Well, here I am.
- So, I think you better make yourself comfortable because we have some unfolded things to discuss. First of all I need to ask you a couple of questions. One, do you have connections with other vampires?
- Are you sure?
- Okay. - he looked at me kind of annoyed. I admit that it didn't sound so sure but I was just nervous!
- Two: did you kill anyone sofar?
- No.
Anyway why would I tell that?!
- Three: do you think you have a tendency to hurt human beings?
- No.
-  Four: how often do you drink blood?
- Dunno. Once or twice a week. But it depends on the circumstances I guess...
- Five: how do you feel about being a vampire?
- Oh, erm... I don't understand.
- Just answer the question.
- I'm okay with it. Or whatever. I don't know. This is too overwhelming, please can we stop here?
- Alright. No worries, we'll stop here.
- That was it?
- Basically yeah, we're done with the questions, but there is one more thing.
- It wasn't a couple.
- What?
- You said a couple of quetsion, but it was just 5. Thats an odd number.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Can you please not swear in the Lord's house?
He looked at me somewhat irritated, and I felt kind of good because of it. Weird...
- Okay, let's just skip over this. In fact we want you to work for us. Not the same way your parents did but with everything you can. If you notice a vampire that could harm people you call us. If you witnesses a vampire drinking blood or just doing shady things, you inform us. Is that clear?
- Wait! Why on earth would I work for your organisation?! You slaughtered many...many of my kind, kids, elderly regardless of their age or...
- Calm down, little girl! It's not what you might think. The hunters act when it's needed. We can negotiate with many vampires but some of them aren't capable of being human anymore. Especially kids. For them this is way more traumatic to handle. So now, will you join us?
- What if I don't?
- Next time we see you, there will be no mercy shown. If you don't accept our conditions then it's over. We won't take risks. So now, what's your decision?
- Okay. I accept it. - he nodded, and got up. - Max... what, what about the vampire who-who killed my parents? Did the hunters catch him?
- No, they never did. It's like a ghost. Only thing they figured out, he or she has must been someone who knew your family well. Someone really close but it was common belief that nobody witnessed what happened. Until you came back.

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