My first dinner with him

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2018. January 8.
  I have to get used to Budapest. Aaand also Kazimier. I think they've been getting along pretty well, because it seems they have the same qualities. 
Firstly Budapest is a noisy city, it's always up to something, which you can purely feel, and you have to create your own privacy because you're not provided with that at all.
Secondly in these two days, I couldn't figure out Kazimier's rather odd daily schedule on my own, but this afternoon I finally  talked to him. I didn't expect him to turn up that early, like 6-7 pm, because mostly when he comes back to the flat he eats in his room and sleeps, then takes a quick shower before he leaves. I only hear that from my room. And it's done during daytime. Like you would expect from a vampire to lead a night-life but I'm just the oppisite.
Yeah, that I mentioned strange habits... I have a whole new fridge to myself. My explanition was that I have a strange sickness which doesn't allow me to share my food with anybody. To make sure, I put the blood in different juise bottles.
I went to the small supermarket nearby and decided to cook something since clearly Kazimier isn't the type whose fond of kitchen stuff. How do I know that? Actually I had to dust his cooking utensils. He doesn't really make a lot of mess, probably this is why the places looks so well-groomed.
   So I started cooking. After the long hours I was searching for vacancies and job offers, cutting onions and some meat to make a stew was much more refreshing. At some point I put on music and got carried away so easily that I didn't hear a single thing, so Kazimier could sneak into the flat without noticing. I bet he was shocked when he saw me dancing or at least moving around with a wooden spoon  in his kitchen after hiding in my room for two days.
-Well-well-well, what do we have hear? - he asked, raised his eyebrow like a true villian.
I was so clumsy while I was trying to shut down the music and felt soo embarresed.
-I'm... I, just making stew.
- I can smell that -he laughed. - Now I'm just wondering what a party girl you can be when I'm not around. Have you went out to have some fun already? Oh man, one should always be cautious when it comes to girls like you.
- Girls like me?
- Yeah. No offence, just you know. You look so...decent. Maybe you've even hidden a boy in the closet. - probably I looked worried because he added - I was joking.
Maybe I don't have any boy but I do have some skeletons in the closet and as far as he doesn't see me as a threat or a beast which sucks out the blood from other's neck, I'm fine with it.
- By the way can I have some?
- Oh, yeah. Sure.
- I'm dying for a good hungarian stew!
- Do you ever eat here? - I asked. - You spend little time in the flat...
- Well, - he said between two spoonfulls. Who eats stew with spoon?! - I do night shifts and I go to BME in the afternoon. You know, the university. Or go out with friends from time to time. Do you have any friends here?
- No.
- I see.
- Thank you for telling me.
- What?
- Stuff. About yourself. - I shrugged
- Hey, girl. No need to thank for such a silly thing. You can ask any time.
- O-okay. I...I just don't know you, except you're close to Priest Joseph and...
- And? I won't bite you. - he laughs. Oh shit! I've just imagined that! I mean... him as a vampire, biting my neck. Jeez, what the heck? How could that feel unbelievably...good? That brief moment, it was so inappropriate in so many ways. Gosh! I even blushed and looked away sheepishly, tried to clear my thoughts.
- It feels strange to live with someone...someone I don't know.
- I don't know much about you either.
That's good.
- So Hannah, I have a question for you. - he shot his head up. - How do you know Priest Joseph?
- How? - I repeated and stayed silent for a few moments. - He decided to give me my life back.
He looked surprised.
- And you? How do you know him?
- I lost someone. - he replies immediately and so causelly that it aches.
- I'm sorry.
- It's fine, it was long time ago. Anyway, thanks for the stew, it's wonderful. Also it was great talking to you. - he says, and smiles. Then turned around disappeared behind his room's door.
He lost someone.
Was this your plan Priest Joseph? To get us closer, to get me feel better, to make me be understanded?
Never mind. We both have our loss, and somehow it works, I do feel more safe with him.

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