My first time visiting the church in Bp

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2018. January 12.

It's 3 am.
I'm terrified to go back to sleep, so I have the lights on, sitting in the kitchen miserably awful.  My nightmare changed tonight. Which never happened before. It was so intense and horrifing that I started to  scream raucously in my sleep. I sat up gasping for air, my whole body was shaking. I barely managed to get out of bed and vertigously ran to the toilet. I must have been too loud because I heard Kazimier's door were opening.
- Hannah? Is that you?
- Yeah, I-I'm here. - My voice choked, tears ran down my cheeks.
- Oh, fuck. - he sweared when he saw my vomit all over the floor including my clothes. 
- I'm sorry.- I mumbled meanwhile I was trying to fight off the urge. - I'm so sorry. I know i-it's your day off an-and I didn't mean to wake you. I'm sorry... - I started panicking.
- It's fine. - he said but his voice sounded annoyed. - Come here.
He lifted me up easily, like he was lifting a feather and had to hold me, because my legs were too weak, still shaking. He then escorted me to my room. I almost collapsed onto my bed, and an awkward silence fell upon us.
- Can you...can you change into clean clothes... - I looked up to him, my face was hidden in my hands with begging eyes. I felt helpless. Unable to move. - Oh boy. I wasn't signig up for this...
He sighed and, grabbed a T-shirt from my wardrobe. Put my arms in the air, above my head and pulled my nightgown off. I focused on his eyes while he was taking care of me. I was watching him see my bare chest and how embarrassed he got by it. Actually looked cute, when he tried to do his best. His touch was relaxing on my skin, I breathed out, he glared at me, questioned me. Then that strange atmosphere suddenly broke, like a tender bubble.
- Get some sleep. - he said, and reached for the lamp to turn off the lights when I said:
- No.
- Are you afraid of the dark?
- Only when I have my nightmares. - I mumbled. He nodded and wished me good luck to my interview tomorrow.
He probably thinks I'm a big baby. He had to dress me because I wasn't able to and I'm 19. 19 freaking years old and have the body of 15 years old girl.
And this all happened because I went to church yesterday morning.

- Where are you going? - Kazimier asked when he found me at the front door. He only wore boxers, which was quite appealing by the way.
- To the mass.
- Have a good time. - He smiled.
And I actually had until the mass finished. I wanted to stay a little in the empty church but I didn't realise I wasn't alone.
- Helena... HelenaTaylor?
I froze. It's my name. Pardon, it was my name. Somebody already recognised me? Somebody knows my true identity before even a week would pass. Impossible! But he contimued.
- I know why you're here.
- How? - I asked.
- You figured out what their secret was, didn't you? Don't misunderstand me, please. I'm sorry for your loss but their mistake almost cost your life.
  Their mistake? My loss? He's talking about my parents! I was left with 2 choices, and I took the risky one.
- Yeah, I came here to face the truth. - I said.
- Then, - he stepped forward - come with me.
And I followed him to the basment, through a  cold spiral staircase. He lighted a candle, and led me into a cosy room which was bigger than I thought it would be. It was furnished with black sofas and squere tables, along the walls stood some bookcases.
- This is the hunter's office. We put some pictures out of your parents in their honor. Look. - he handed me a picture. It showed my father stand  next to corpses. Vampire corpses. My heart sank and I swallowed my scream. - would you like me to pour some drink for you? I bet you have tons of questions.
- Sure. - I said without thinking. I put the picture down and walked around. My father smiling, his sweet smile next to monsters like me. Young and old. They slaughtered them. Evil or good. My father was a vampire hunter and here I am, at their base.
He passed me the drink.
- Can I ask something?
- Sure.
- How did you escape? They never told you about their job, did they? How could you then survive the attack?
I looked in his eyes, he was nosy and kind of excited before I opened my mouth.
- I didn't.
And I ran.

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